signed first edition Letter
n.d · New York
by STRAND, Mark
New York, n.d. Letter. Faint creases from mailing. About Fine. One-page AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED on an 8-1/2 x 11" sheet to an unidentified writer named Flavio. In part: "I have your book and have read around in it some more and think it should be translated. I´m taking it to Ronald Christ at the Center for Inter American Relations to see if they can get a New York publisher. I´ll offer myself up as the translator -- if I get paid enough, and if that is okay with you.... Has Paul Engle said anything to you about a South American anthology? About an anthology of Sambista poetry? Probably not. I´m glad to be back in N.Y. I am writing again and translating some Spanish poems -- Antonio Machedo. On Wednesday´s I teach at Yale -- easy work." (Inventory #: 021797)