Sefer Male Ratson: Mahberet 'al Kol ha-Shas
first edition Hardcover
1710 · Frankfurt a. M.
by Spitz, Abraham Naftali Hirsh b. Moses
Frankfurt a. M., 1710. First edition. Hardcover. fair to g. Folio. (1 leaf), 4 leaves, 99 leaves, 114 leaves, 9 leaves, 13 leaves (1 leaf). Contemporary brown leather with blind tooling along the border and spine as well as raised bands. Blue edges. Illustrated title page with image of a swan. Head and tail pieces. Commentary on the Talmud that elucidates contradictions within the text. Author makes use of gematriot based on his name. Text printed in double columns with talmudic text in regular script and author's comments in Rashi script. Source notes on side margins. Text in Hebrew. Significant peeling and scratching to leather boards. Bottom edge torn. Tail of spine mostly missing. Some misnumbering to leaves. Leaf 5 was bound after the fact. Name of previous owner on front endpaper. Heavy foxing to leaves. Overall in fair to good condition. (Inventory #: 37844)