by Furey, Francis T. Vile, John R.
2015. ISBN-13: 9781616195069; ISBN-10: 1616195061. Furey, Francis T. An Explanation of the Constitution of the United States of America Prepared for Use in Catholic Schools, Academies, and Colleges. Originally published: New York: The Catholic Publication Society Co., 1889. (iii-xvi new introduction), 156 pp. Reprinted 2015 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. With a new introduction by John R. Vile, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN. ISBN-13: 9781616195069. ISBN-10: 1616195061. Hardcover. New. $29.95 * With a new introduction by John R. Vile (Middle Tennessee State University) that explains its relevance, this catechism, originally published in 1889 and written for use in Catholic schools and colleges, explores the United States Constitution from the viewpoint of Catholic issues. Furey points out the Constitution's harmony with Catholic views and its relation to canon law. It provides a window into the role of Catholic education in the United States, and insight into more recent increases in the number of Protestant schools and homeschoolers in America. FRANCIS T. FUREY [1852-?] was a Philadelphia high school teacher, author and translator.
(Inventory #: 63271)