by Horowitz, Valerie, L., ed.; Joseph Story; Morris
2015. ISBN-13: 9781616194543; ISBN-10: 1616194545. [Story, Joseph]. Horowitz, Valerie L., Editor. The Unsigned Essays of Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story: Early American Views of Law. Introduction by Morris L. Cohen [1927-2010] Professor of Law, Yale Law School. Clark, New Jersey: Talbot Publishing (an imprint of The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.), 2015. xxx, 387 pp. ISBN-13: 9781616194543. ISBN-10: 1616194545. Hardcover. New. $65. * Written anonymously for the Encyclopedia Americana and now gathered in one volume, this work presents eighteen articles about major legal subjects by Joseph Story, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and the first Dane professor of law at Harvard Law School. The articles are virtually unknown today because they were unsigned and never republished in any other form. Ranging from "Law, Legislation and Codes," "Common Law" and "Congress of the United States," to "Law of Nations," "Natural Law" and "Prize," these extended essays are fascinating distillations of Story's jurisprudence. The Encyclopedia Americana was edited by Story's friend Francis Lieber [1798-1872], who wrote the "Lieber Code" and was a distinguished professor at Columbia Law School who helped establish the field of political science in the United States. The book includes an introduction by Morris L. Cohen that describes the genesis of Story's involvement in writing the pieces and some of their main ideas. The appendix offers texts of rare related materials. With an index. "After the American Revolution, the United States caught fire as a commercial republic. But adaptation of the common law to the needs of a trading nation required a broad erudition and a long view of America's role in the world. That combination was supplied by Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story -- who was the faithful partner of Chief Justice Marshall and a New Englander who understood America's commercial future. Now, in a literary event that should excite every lawyer, these extraordinary essays -- published anonymously in the serial volumes of the 19th century Encyclopedia Americana -- are again available. The detective work of historian Valerie Horowitz in identifying the essays and the preface by Yale's celebrated law librarian the late Morris Cohen goes to show that antebellum l.
(Inventory #: 62602)