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Shocked Gentleman Moveable
Philalethean Society Meeting Invitation

Philalethean Society Meeting Invitation

Poughkeepsie, New York : Philalethean Society, Vassar College , 1869 (click for more details)
The Old Anvil as it appeared at the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia in 1876
Handmade Kitchen Shower Invitation

Handmade Kitchen Shower Invitation

United States : Medford, Massachusetts , 1930 (click for more details)
Picture Lesson Paper Vol. XI, Nos. 33, 34, and 35

Recent Catalogs

Miscellany: Lust or Laundry, Cookery, Racism, Women Opposing Woman’s Suffrage & Of Course, the Chil
Today we are pleased to offer e-list84, a miscellany of ephemera, collections and children's work with the same degree of variety as our weather.

For our college and university colleagues we continue to gladly accommodate any pandemic related delays of payment and/or delivery until you are physically back on campus or receiving materials.

Today's topics include:

Commonplace Books and Albums
Made by Hand - Original Art
Literary Posters
Printing & Publishing
Poetry (holiday)
Medicine, Science & Technology
Travel & Tourism
Trade Catalogue
And of course, The Children...

It's a short list so even if your topic of interest doesn't jump out at you it may be worth viewing the 30 items.
e-list No. 56 Eclectibles Miscellany: Coyote Tales, Punjab Goods, Letters from Hell, Playgrounds & o
Today's list includes the following categories:
Albums & Journals
Science & Technology
Social History
Travel & Tourism
And of course...The Children -- It's All About the Children

It's a short list so even if your topic of interest doesn't jump out at you it may be worth viewing the 35 items.