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Edit: The recording of this event is now available on our YouTube channel...



The Brown Bag Lunch Series, presented by the ABAA Gender Equity Initiative, is a series of short virtual talks covering various topics, from crash courses in areas of expertise to best business practices.

Please join the Gender Equity Initiative on Zoom on May 29th, 2024, at 2 PM ET for a Brown Bag Lunch Series with Jim Owens of Thorn Books. During the session, Jim will delve into the historical significance of Victorian bookcloth, examining the factors that led to its emergence as a replacement for leather on books. He will explore the various types of Victorian bookcloths and provide insights into the reasons behind their usage. Additionally, Jim will shed light on the decline of Victorian bookcloth and its impact on bookbinding practices.

May 29th @ 2 PM ET
Jim Owens - Thorn Books
The Invention and Demise of Victorian Bookcloth
Jim Owens, Thorn Books
Jim Owens, Thorn Books
Jim Owens, an associate member of the ABAA and a Principal at Thorn Books, and his wife Lynne Owens (full member) since 1987. Jim's educational journey is a testament to his intellectual curiosity, with an undergraduate degree from St. Mary's of Moraga in Philosophy, Latin, English, and Vertebrate Zoology. Jim, also a Doctorate of Jurisprudence from Ventura College of Law, has been involved in many volunteer works in public radio and television and for the Postal History Museum Foundation in Tucson, AZ. Beyond his professional pursuits, Jim's interests span a wide range, from bookbinding and restoration to gardening, and playing the organ and harp. 
