by Sprague, William Buell
1826. Springfield, Mass., 1826. Second edition. Springfield, Mass., 1826. Second edition. Wicked Men Ensnared by Themselves, McDade 601. Sprague, William Buell [1795-1876]. Wicked Men Ensnared by Themselves: A Sermon Preached, December 16, 1825 in the Second Parish of West Springfield, At the Interment of Samuel Leonard, And Mrs. Harriet Leonard, His Wife; The Former of Whom Murdered the Latter, And then Committed Suicide. Springfield, MA: Tannatt & Co., Printers, 1826. [iii], 4-44 pp. Octavo (9-3/4" x 5-3/4"). Stab-stitched pamphlet in original plain thick-paper wrappers, untrimmed edges. Moderate toning, light foxing to a few leaves, early owner signature (Sarah Root) to head of title page. $150. * Second edition. "After threatening several times to do so, Leonard killed his wife with an ax and then cut his own throat" (McDade). The sermon says Leonard's Universalist beliefs encouraged his crime because the doctrine of universal salvation tends "to nullify the threatenings of God" (29). An Appendix (pp. 37-44) provides a summary review of the case. This pamphlet had three editions, all published in 1826 with identical paginations and formats. McDade, The Annals of Murder 601. Cohen, Bibliography of Early American Law 4169.
(Inventory #: 71049)