27ª BIENAL DE SÃO PAULO: SEMINÁRIOS.; Organização Lisette Lagnado...[et al.]; Curadoría geral, Lisette Lagnado; co-curadores, Adriano Pedrosa ... [et al.]; curador convidado, Jochen Volz
2008 · São Paulo; Rio de Janeiro
São Paulo; Rio de Janeiro: Fundaçao Bienal de São Paulo; Cobogó, 2008. b/w plates, bios., bibl., color pict. fldg. wrps. The papers presented during the 7 international seminars organized previous to the 27th Biennale of Sao Paulo in 2006. The seminars organized in study groups had international and local art historians, curators, artists, philosophers, psychologists and political scientists debating around the topics of the exhibition "Como viver juntos" (How to live together). Each seminar was organized by curators of this biennale. Contents: Semínarios introdução / Lisette Lagnado -- Marcel, 30 / organized by Jochen Volz -- Arquitetura [Architecture] / organized by Adriano Pedrosa -- Reconstrução [Reconstruction] / organized by Cristina Freire -- Vida coletiva [Collective Life] / organized by Lisette Lagnado -- Trocas [Exchanges] / organized by Rosa Martinez -- Acre / organized by José Roca. Last page [440] is the transcription of the work by artist León Ferrari's Cuadro escrito (Written Drawing, 1964), a handwritten text on paper exhibited at the biennial describing a nonexistent erotic and anti-religious painting. O livro '27ª Bienal de São Paulo - Seminários' traz as conferências apresentadas na Bienal de Arte de São Paulo: Como vivir Junto 2006. De janeiro a novembro desse ano, foram realizados seis diferentes colóquios multidisciplinares. Os textos sobre Marcel Broodthaers, Arquitetura, Reconstrução, Vida Coletiva, Trocas e Acre foram revistos e revisados por seus autores para esta publicação. (Inventory #: 91085)