first edition Hardcover
1946 · Paris
by Consistoire Central of the Israelites of France and Algeria
Paris: Consistoire Central, 1946. First edition. Hardcover. Good condition.. Small Quarto. 62pp. Original printed boards with black lettering on gray square with black frame of cover, protected by glassine jacket. Preface by Grand Rabbi Isaie Schwartz. Introduction by Léon Meiss, President of Consistoire Central. Memorial publication and homage by the Consistoire Central to twenty Rabbis, "victims of the awful world drama," who died martyrs by the hand of the Nazi barbarians. Illustrated with twenty b/w reproductions of portrait photographs of Rabbis and Chief Rabbis, and biographical contributions for each of the honored Rabbis on opposing pages. The Consistoire Central was set up by Napoleon I. in 1808 by Imperial Decree to administer Jewish worship and congregations.
The Rabbis honored in this publication include Chief Rabbi Léon Berman, known for his 1937 publication, a systematical attempt to present French-Jewish history, Ernest Ginsburger, known Jewish historian, Robert Brunschwig, Rabbi in Vichy and member of the resistance, Elie Cyper, member of the resistance, Nathan Hosanski, mobilized in 1939 entering the Regiment of Algerian Tirailleurs, and member of the resistance aiding immigrants on the run to Spain, Samuel "Samy" Klein, joined the resistence movement in 1943, among others. The publication lists four Rabbis not affiliated with the Consistoire Central and thirty-six Jewish ministers at rear.
Laid in a printed card announcing the death and funeral of the widow of Léon Antkowicz, born Perla Feldman, at the Bagneux-Parisian cemetery on Tuesday, February 21st, 1989. Text in French. Glassine jacket with light wear and staining, rubbed. Binding with light wear. Block lightly age-toned with light water stain effecting the lower third of the block throughout. (Inventory #: 47003)
The Rabbis honored in this publication include Chief Rabbi Léon Berman, known for his 1937 publication, a systematical attempt to present French-Jewish history, Ernest Ginsburger, known Jewish historian, Robert Brunschwig, Rabbi in Vichy and member of the resistance, Elie Cyper, member of the resistance, Nathan Hosanski, mobilized in 1939 entering the Regiment of Algerian Tirailleurs, and member of the resistance aiding immigrants on the run to Spain, Samuel "Samy" Klein, joined the resistence movement in 1943, among others. The publication lists four Rabbis not affiliated with the Consistoire Central and thirty-six Jewish ministers at rear.
Laid in a printed card announcing the death and funeral of the widow of Léon Antkowicz, born Perla Feldman, at the Bagneux-Parisian cemetery on Tuesday, February 21st, 1989. Text in French. Glassine jacket with light wear and staining, rubbed. Binding with light wear. Block lightly age-toned with light water stain effecting the lower third of the block throughout. (Inventory #: 47003)