Le Coran [Traduction et Commentaire Systematique], 3 volumes
by Bonnet-Eymard, Bruno [Frere];
Saint-Parres-lès-Vaudes: La Contra-Reforme Catholique. Mixed Editions. Hardcover. Small Octavo; VG/VG; white spines with black and red text; 3 volumes: vol. 1, Sourate I: La Benediction and Sourate II: Dieu des Delivrances, pp 344; vol. 2, Sourate III: Dieu des Delivrances et cinq etudes linguistiques et historiques, pp 315; vol. 3, Sourate IV: Le Dieu des Fecondites, Sourate V: C'est le Dieu Qui Est Roi! et une etude linguistique et historique: la Ka'ba, pp 335; dust jackets have light wear to exteriors; cloths clean; strong boards; text blocks clean; French text;
NOTE: Shelved in Netdesk office, Case #5. 1321932. FP New Rockville Stock. (Inventory #: 1321932)
NOTE: Shelved in Netdesk office, Case #5. 1321932. FP New Rockville Stock. (Inventory #: 1321932)