by Calvo, Charles
2015. ISBN-13: 9781616194628; ISBN-10: 1616194626. Uncommon Dictionary of International Law Calvo, Charles [1822-1906]. Dictionnaire Manuel de Diplomatie et de Droit International Public et Prive. Originally published: Berlin: Puttkammer & Muhlbrecht [and others], 1885. vii, 475, [1] pp. Reprinted 2015 by the Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. ISBN-13: 9781616194628. ISBN-10: 1616194628. Paperback. New. $29.95 * Reprint of the only edition. With index. Produced for diplomats, this is a one-volume distillation of Calvo's two-volume Dictionnaire de Droit International Public et Prive (1884) with additional material. The entries are rather detailed, often several paragraphs in length. Many entries have cross-references. CHARLES CALVO [1822-1906] was a distinguished Argentinean diplomat and scholar of international law. His works include the distinguished treatise Derecho Internacional Teorico y Practico de Europa y America (1868). Translated into French as Le Droit International Theorique et Pratique, it went through four further editions, the last one in 1896.
(Inventory #: 62807)