by Thomson West
2014. [California]. Government 4th (West's California Code Forms). Thomson West. 4 Volumes. Hardcover. Current through 2014-2015 cumulative supplements issued Aug. 2014. Ex-private law firm library with stamps and location labels at foot of spines, else very good. Publisher's Price USD 987. Special $25. * Provides a collection of primarily administrative forms covering a wide range of government-related topics. General topics include forms for claims and actions against public entities and public employees, public work, and public purchases. State government forms include those that deal with the executive department and fiscal affairs. County government forms pertain to officers, financial provisions, and employees. City government forms encompass organization and boundaries, officers, and employees. Local agency forms cover cities, counties, other entities, and the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1965. (Inventory #: 63721)