Iskusstvo Palekha: Vtoroe Izdanie
1975 · Leningrad
by Zinov'ev, N.M.
Leningrad: Izd. Khudoshnik RSFSR, 1975. Hardcover. VG+ book; former owner's name on ffep (former Russian art curator) and a scratch on ffep; VG- dj with rubbing to back cover; chipping at edges and an old price sticker (Russian) on back.. Cream linen/board; gilt decoration and Cyrillic lettering. Glossy black dj with color illus. and gold lettering. 246 pp. with color plates throughout. Text in Russian. Includes several essays, beginning with Old Palekh and including Palekch icon work, Palekh masters, technique, and much, much more. A beautiful book and one of the most thorough studies of the painting, lacquer ware and other arts from Palekh. (Inventory #: 146887)