by 785MURAYAMA Tomoyoshi
1924. MURAYAMA Tomoyoshi. MIZUE, No. 217. Tokyo, Taisho 13 [1924]. Wrappers, 8vo. This issue of the important art journal MIZUE is notable for the inclusion of a 5 page article by avant-garde artist and critic, Murayama Tomoyoshi, entitled "KIKAITEKI YOSO NO GEIJUTSU E NO DONYU" ["THE PATH TO A CONSTRUCTIVIST ART"]. Murayama was one of the most iconic figures of the avant-garde in the 20s and 30s. This article is interesting for being contemporary to the introduction of Constructivism into Japan. An important bit of art history, from the source. There is also one other short article by Murayama, addressed to Kimura Sohachi.
(Inventory #: 87786)