cloth, original paper wrappers bound-in at end, gilt-stamped leather labels on spine
1962 · London, England
by Maggs, F.B.
London, England: Maggs Bros, 1962. cloth, original paper wrappers bound-in at end, gilt-stamped leather labels on spine. Maggs Brothers. 8vo. cloth, original paper wrappers bound-in at end, gilt-stamped leather labels on spine. xcvi, 864, (40) pages. Volume V only. General index, subject index, list of illustrations, and corrigenda precede text. Indices to catalogues 803, 813, 818, 824, 827, 833, 842, 847, 853, and 867 bound in following text. 137 illustrations. Presentation by the author on front free endpaper. Covers lightly soiled. Spine label partially detached.
(Inventory #: 123990)