1833 · New York
by POLLOK, Robert
New York: Charles Wells, 1833. Hardcover. Very good. N.d. (ca. 1833). 16mo. [2], xiv, [3], 14-227, [4], 230-328, [1], iv-x pp. Contemporary beige calf elaborately gilt, a.e.g. Front free endpaper excised, binding with some minor refurbishment. Bound by Charles Well of New York (?) ΒΆ Charles Wells was described in New York City Directories as a bookbinder until at least 1832; thereafter he was listed as a bookseller; in 1838 he appears in the Directories as a publisher, and then in 1844 his trade is simply described as "books." There is a good possibility that the present binding came from his shop. Wells may have been the chief importer and user of English-made dies. Not in Edwin Wolf, "From Gothic Windows to Peacocks: American Embossed Leather Bindings, 1825-1855." * Early gift inscription from Ima Hitchcock to Emily Perkins, dated Dec. 25, 1856.
(Inventory #: 331)