signed framed
1959 · New York
by LIPCHITZ, Jacques (1891 - 1973)
New York, 1959. framed. 1 page, 8.5 x 8 inches, (New York), January 27, 1959. In this warm letter, the renowned Lithuanian-born sculptor sends a piece of his art to a friend and discusses his health and other topics, in full: "Dear Dr. Colp, I suppose you know that my wife and I talk about you every day with gratefulness. As my strength is improving I wish I could sometimes have conversations with you like we had in Mount Sinai. I was hoping to bring you this little statue myself, but the trip is still too much for me. I hope you like it. I made it in 1942, in the middle of the war and called it 'La Suppliante.' The great anatomist which you are may think that I took too many liberties with the human body. But are you not doing the same for the good of your own patients? The important thing is that it functions. With warmest regards to you and Mrs. Colp in the hope of seeing you soon here. Yours sincerely, Lipchitz." Fine condition. Accompanied by the original (partially torn) handwritten envelope, housed in a clear plastic sleeve on the back of the frame. The letter is float-mounted beside a 7 x 5.5-inch photo of Lipchitz standing beside an open window in New York City with a view of the Empire State Building. Matted in blue and set in a burgundy and gold frame measuring 15 x 21 inches.
(Inventory #: 256700)