Athena Rare Books specializes in the History of Ideas - meaning a heavy emphasis on first edition philosophy books (16th to mid-20th century) along with some important works in science, literature and even poetry.
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Fashion Academy; with: “A Visit to Fashion Academy” (promotional brochure)
by (Hartman, Emil Alvin)
New York : Thomsen-Ellis Company , 1938 (click for more details)
First Edition
Color Poems.
by FOX, Civ Cedering.
Missoula: Calliopea Press, , 1978. (click for more details)
First Edition
The Disrobing: Sex and Satire.
by MURDOCH, Royal.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press , (1982). (click for more details)Lift Magazine Double Issue Numbers 10 & 11: The Poetry of Stephen Jonas.
by [JONAS, Stephen]. Torra, Joseph. ed.
Somerville: Lift Magazine , 1992. (click for more details)Recent Catalogs
CATALOG 14: Philosophers & Psychologists
64 books written by some the greatest thinkers of the Western Tradition with complete descriptions and a photo for each.