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The New Grant White Shakespeare. The Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems of William Shakespeare. Set Number 4 of the Old Stratford Edition, complete in 18 finely bound volumes

The New Grant White Shakespeare. The Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems of William Shakespeare. Set Number 4 of the Old Stratford Edition, complete in 18 finely bound volumes

by William Shakespeare, with Memoir, Introductions, and Notes by Richard Grant White, Revised, Supplemented, and Annotated by William P. Trent, Benjamin W. Wells, and John B. Henneman

Boston : Little, Brown and Company , 1912 (click for more details)
The World Crisis, full set of six British first edition, first printings, in dust jackets
First Edition 

The World Crisis, full set of six British first edition, first printings, in dust jackets

by Winston S. Churchill

London : Thornton Butterworth Limited , 1923 (click for more details) rotten book
“…I feel I can count upon you at any time when a need may arise…” - A 17 July 1922 autograph signed letter from then-Secretary of State for the Colonies Winston S. Churchill to T. E. Lawrence
The Story of 150 Staging Post and the Airlift to the Yalta Conference February 1945 A truly singular Second World War album belonging to, and compiled by, R.A.F. Group Captain Walter J. Pickard, containing meticulously captioned photographs and mementos of his work flying VIPs during the 1945 Yalta Conference, a number of “Secret” docu