Friends of the Woodburn and Benevolent Funds

Below is a partial list of generous supporters of the ABAA's Benevolent and Woodburn Funds. Other donors wish to remain anonymous. 

The Benevolent Fund is a non-profit charitable fund that provides financial assistance to antiquarian booksellers in a time of personal need. The Woodburn Fund gives financial assistance for scholarly research and education relevant to the antiquarian book trade. Please visit the links to learn more about the funds and how to contribute. 

The ABAA kindly thanks all the donors who have contributed to the Funds!

Friends of the Benevolent Fund

Ramon Abajo
Kara Accettola
Charles Agvent
Allen Ahearn
Tracy Akin
Mark Alexander
William Allison
Mark and Nora Anderson
Antiquariat Botanicum
Antipodean Books, Maps & Prints
Nick Aretakis
James Arner
David Aronovitz
Sally Rich Arroyo
James Arsenault Rare Books
Louis Axelrod
B & B Rare Books, Ltd.
Bert Babcock
Back of Beyond Books
Lorne Bair Rare Books
Obadiah Baird
William Baker
The John Bale Book Company
M. Charlene Ball
Fred & Susan Baron
Howard & Nancy Baron
Roger & Margi Baron
Bartleby's Books
Bauman Rare Books
Bay Leaf Used & Rare Books
Beasley Books
Simon Beattie
Aaron Beckwith
Robert Benson
Jeffrey Bergman
Between the Covers Rare Books Inc.
Luke Bilberry
Philip Bishop
Erin Black
Black Swan Books
Adam Blakeney
John Blaney
Bluebird Books
Merle Bobzien
Bolerium Books
Edward Bomsey Autograph
The Book Bin
The Book Club of California
The Book Shop, LLC
Le Bookiniste
The Bookpress, Ltd.
Bookworm & Silverfish
Boomerang Booksellers
Boston Book Company, Inc.
Boston Rare Maps, Inc.
Timothy Boyle
Marilyn Braiterman
Brattle Book Shop
T. Brennan, Bookseller
Ann Brockschmidt
Anne & David Bromer
Valerie Bross
Broude Brothers Limited
Bruce Brown
P. Scott Brown
Andrew Cahan: Bookseller, Inc.
Julie Carlsen
Frank Carmel
Carpe Diem Fine Books
Marcia Carter
Brian Cassidy, Bookseller
Patrick Cather
Certain Books
Pavel Chebyzhov
Churchill Book Collector
Citation Books
Ellen McCallister Clark
Coconut Rose Rare Books & Antiques
J.M. Cohen
Paul Collinge
Commonwealth Books
Don Conner
Ronald Cozzi
John Crichton
James Cummins
Lloyd Currey
Julia Curtis and John Curtis, Jr.
Jennifer Daugherty
Richard Davie
G. Davis Rare Books
Daniel De Simone
Nat DesMarais Rare Books
DeWolfe & Wood
Diane Dias DeFazio
Larry Dingman
Michael Dirda
Michael DiRuggiero
Sandra Dolmatch
Thorne Donnelley
Web Dordick
James M. Dourgarian, Bookman
Richard Dovnay
John K. Doyle
Frances G. Durako
Zhenya Dzhavgova
E.K. Schreiber Rare Books
Ed's Editions
Kukhto Ekaterina
Mehdi El Hajoui
Jeff Elfont
Elk River Books
Dan Ellslager
Scott Emerson
James Fasi
First Folio
Beth Fisher
Rob Fleck, III
Timothy Forry
Paul Forsey
Lawrence I. Fox
Lillian Fraker
Arthur Frank
Dan Freidus
Michael Gajda
Gallagher Books
Martin Gammon
Beverly Garcia-Garst
Andrew Gaub
Franklin Gilliam :: Rare Books
James Graham, Bookseller
Cynthia Gibson
Frederic Gilhousen
Michael Ginsberg Books, Inc.
Kurt Gippert
John Glover
Helene C Golay
Vincent Golden
Noah Goldrach
Charles A. Goldsmid
James Goldwasser
Thomas A. Goldwasser Rare Books
Graham Book Gallery
Jim Graham
Clifford Daniel Graubart
Green Gate Farm
Karen Griffin
Hackenberg Booksellers
Roger Hackett
Joe Hagood Books
Erin Hahn
William Hale
David A. Hamilton
Suzanne Hamlin
Geri Hansen
Peter Harrington
Cassandra Hatton
Donald Heald
Heritage Book Shop
Barbara Heritage
Jonathan A. Hill
Alex Hime
Jeffrey Hirsch
Josh Hirschfeld
Robert Hittel
Sandra Hoekstra
Jeannie S. Hoff
Ed Hoffman
Honey & Wax Booksellers
J. Hood, Bookseller
George J. Houle Rare Books & Autographs
Bruce P. Howard
Jeff Howard
John Howell
Geoffrey Hughes
Tamsie Hughes
Duard C. Hulett
R. Danny Huntington
K. Garth Hurston, Jr.
Sonny Ideker Bookseller
Impact Events Group, Inc.
Imperial Fine Books
Independent Online Booksellers Association (IOBA)
James Jaffe
Randall Jay
Brad & Jen Johnson
Lee Johnson
Julia Jordan
Priscilla Juvelis
Kaaterskill Books
Norman Kane
Kenneth Karmiole
Kevin F. Kelly
Mike Kelly
Adrienne Kitts
Anne Kjelby
Eric Chaim Kline, Bookseller
Jon Kolton
John Knott
Linda and T. Richard Koch
Kubik Fine Books
Michael Laird Rare Books
Langdon Manor Books
Mark Samuels Lasner
Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.
Leaves of Grass Rare Books
John Leger
Edward Lemon
John A. Leppman
David M. Lesser Fine Antiquarian Books, LLC
Ronald Lieberman
Lighthouse Books
David & Catherine Lilburne
Maria Nicole Lin
Theodore and Kathleen Lindeman
The Looking Glass Bookstore
Ken Lopez - Bookseller
Barbara Loe
Travis Low and JoEllen Perez
Christine Lowenstein
Luke Lozier
J. & J. Lubrano Music Antiquarians
Peter Luke
Jordan Luttrell
Stuart Lutz
Lux Mentis
M & M Books
Kevin Mac Donnell
Kenneth Mallory
Jeffrey D. Mancevice
Manhattan Rare Book Company
Kaitlin Manning
Mike Manz
Zachary Marconi
Jermey Markowitz
Margolis & Moss
Stephen C. Massey
Eric Mayer
Joe Maynard
McBlain Books
David McCord Bookseller
James McBride
McBride Rare Books
Laurence McGilvery
Patricia McGuire
Wendy McHenry
Bruce McKittrick and Wendy Wilson
Katherine Mitas
Stephen Modianie
Stuart A. Moore
Susen Moors
Glen Moranger
Richard Earl Mori
Howard S. Mott, Inc.
Motte and Bailey Booksellers
Andy Moursund
Glen R. Mozinqo
Jan Muhlbauer
J.B. Muns
Nina Musinsky
Douglas Nelson
Miranda Nesler
New England Chapter of the ABAA
New Hampshire Antiquarian Bookseller Association
Oak Knoll Books
Old Book Table
Patrick Olson
George Ong
Daylon Orr
Michael J. Osborne
Teri Osborn
Leslie Overstreet
Grant Painter
Johnny Palmer
A. Parker's Books
Pacific Northwest Chapter of the ABAA
Richard Peabody
Philipp Penka
R & A Petrilla, Antiquarian Booksellers
Jennifer Phillips
John Phillips
Pilgrim Reader Books
Phillip Pirages Fine Books
Edward T. Pollack
Nicholas Potter
Sara Powell
Powell's Bookstore
Leah Prescott
Joyce Propper
Michael Pyron
Quill & Brush
Rabelais, Inc.
Matthew Raptis
The Raso Family
Read'Em Again Books
Reagans Rare Books
T. Jessup Reed
Donovan Rees
Garth Reese
William Reese Company
William S. Reese
L & T Respess Books
John Reznikoff
George Ritzlin Maps & Books
B & L Rootenberg Rare Books
Stuart & Mimi Rose
Robert H. Rubin
Joe Rubinfine
Rob Rulon-Miller
Myrtle S. Rust
Pat Saine
Ellen Saito
Philip Salmon
Kiley Samz
Ken Sanders Rare Books
Meredith Santaus
Savoy Books
Michael A. Scarola
William Schaberg
Abby Schoolman
Adrienne Schorr
John Schulman
Schulson Autographs
Teresa Schutzman
Barry Scott
Garrett Scott & Elizabeth Davis
Marc Selvaggio
Robert S. Seymour
Shapero Rare Books
Kol Shaver - Zephyr Used & Rare Books
Shaw's Books
Lillis Silbernagel
Jennifer Sime
Anne W. Smith
Ian Smith
Patterson Smith
Sanford Smith
Dale A. Sorenson Appraisals
Southern California Chapter of the ABAA
Elizabeth Krown Spellman
David W. Spilman
Darlene Spohrer
Zachary Stacy
Peter L. Stern & Company
Sunday Steinkirchner
Claudia Strauss-Schulson
John Nathan Stroud
Shannon Struble
Swan's Fine Books
David Szewczyk
Tavistock Books
Ten Pound Island Book Company
Susan Theobald
Michael R. Thompson Booksellers
John Thomson
Thorn Books
Richard & Ann Thorner
Ezra Tishman
The Title Page
Rockford Toews
Triolet Rare Books
Kent & Katie Tschanz
Joe Vaccaro
Vagabond Books
Vamp & Tramp, Booksellers
Lawrence Van De Car
The Veatchs Arts of the Book
Barbara B. Voltmer
Sian Wainwright
Gloria Waldinger
John Waite Rare Books
Walkabout Books
Libby Ware
Adam Weinberger
Daniel R Weinberg Trust
Lucy Wells
Wentworth and Leggett
H.W. Wessells
West Side Book Shop
E. Wharton & Co.
White Fox Rare Books and Antiques
Jett W. Whitehead
Lynn Wienck
Ashley Wildes
Tennyson Williams
John Windle Antiquarian Bookseller
Wonder Book
Charles B. Wood III
J. Howard Woolmer Rare Books
Elizabeth Young
Luba Zakharov
Peter Zalmayev
Zephyr Used & Rare Books
Alan J. Zipkin
Kurt Zimmerman
Terry Zobeck

Friends of the Woodburn Fund

Aardvark Books
Pascal Antoine
Nick Aretakis
Gary Austin
B & B Rare Books, Ltd.
Lorne Bair
Obadiah Baird
Bartleby's Books
Lucretia Baskin
Bauman Rare Books
Terry Belanger
Between the Covers Rare Books Inc.
Blackwell's Rare Books
Carl Blomgren
Taylor Bowie
Rick Boyd
Thomas Brennan
P. Scott Brown
James Bryant
Bolerium Books
The Book Shop, LLC
Rebecca Bott
Carpe Diem Fine Books
Brian Cassidy
Rodolphe Chamonal
Rob Charles
Pavel Chepyzhov
Heather Cole
Commonwealth Promotions
Tom Congalton
James Cummins
John R. Curtis, Jr.
Rachel D'Agostino
Daniel De Simone
Nat DesMarais Rare Books
Scott DeWolfe
James M. Dourgarian Bookman
Zhenya Dzhavgova
Ed's Editions
Rachel Eley
Jeff Elfont
Florence Fearrington
Rob Fleck
Robert D. Fleck
Lillian Fraker
Natalie Galustian
Andrew and Lisa Gaub
Clifford Daniel Graubart
Molly Glover
Jordan Goffin
Helene Golay
Vincent Golden 
Noah Goldrach
Charles A. Goldsmid
Thomas A. Goldwasser
Michael Good Fine and Rare Books
Hackenberg Booksellers
Erin Hahn
Mehdi El-Hajoui
Adrian Harrington
Peter Harrington
Lawrence Hammer
Kimberly Herrick
Samuel J. Hessel
Joan D. Hill
Mary Hill
Jeff Hirsch
Ed Hoffman
Gordon Hollis
Lois Jackson
Jennifer Jaeger
James Jaffe
Brad Johnson
Kevin Johnson
Kenneth Karmiole
Kevin Kelly
Ben Kinmont
Eric Chaim Kline Bookseller
Adrienne Horowitz Kitts
Ekaterina Kukhto
Andrew Langer
Mark Samuels Lasner
Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.
Le Bookiniste
Miles Liedtke
Maria Lin
Kathy Lindeman
Little Sages Books
Ken Lopez
Travis Low and JoEllen Perez
Christine Lowenstein
Lowry-James Rare Prints & Books
J. & J. Lubrano Music Antiquarians
Kenneth Mallory
Jeffrey Mancevice
Josh Mann
Kaitlin Manning
Kris Markman
Jeremy Markowitz
Jorge Marquez
Anne Martinez
Didier Martinez
Andrea Mazzocchi
Meyer Boswell Books
Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the ABAA
Midwest Chapter of the ABAA
Kate Mitas
Stephen Moosbrugger
Andy Nettell
Jeremy Norman
Northern California Chapter of the ABAA
Nudelman Rare Books
Old Imprints
Michelle A. Orengo-McFarlane
Nick Nelson
Teri Osborn
John Overholt
Jim Owens
Robin Palmer
Sibylle Pandolfi
Philipp Penka
Phillip J. Pirages
Plaza Books
Quill & Brush
Rabelais, Inc.
Max Rambod
Nicole Reiss
L & T Respess Books
John Reznikoff
Jesse Rosa
Jeffrey Rovenpor
Rulon-Miller Books
Philip Salmon
Kiley Samz
Ken Sanders Rare Books
Meredith Santaus
Savoy Books
Dieter Scherenberg
Jeronimus Schierenberg
Abby Schoolman
Kim Schwenk
Charles Seluzicki
Bernard Shapero
Brendan Sherar
David W. Spilman
Shannon Struble
Jonathan Smalter
Ed Smith
Robert H. Smith, Jr.
Zachary Stacy
Elizabeth Svendsen
Vaughn Svendsen
Swan's Fine Books
Michelle Taksen
Tavistock Books
Michael R. Thompson Rare Books
John Thomson
Richard & Ann Thorner
Rockford Toews
Michael Tracey
Kent Tschanz
Irvin Ungar
Christine Vonderlinn
Daniel Wechsler
Henry Wessells
Jett Whitehead
John Windle
Wonder Book
Elizabeth Young
Kevin Young
Vic Zoschak


In Honor Of

The Fund has received generous gifts in honor of the following individuals:

Allen Ahearn
Fred and Susan Baron
Ian Brabner
Tom Nicely
Jeanne Paul
Bill Reese
Nicole S. Reiss
Vic Zoschak


In Memoriam

Making a donation in someone else's memory is a meaningful way to pay tribute to a loved one. The Fund has received generous gifts in memory of the following individuals:

Larry J. Alderink
Garry Austin
Don Conner
Andy Curtis
Glen Dawson
Larry Dingman
Donnis De Camp
Robert D. Fleck
Alan Fuller
Ed Glaser
Ardis L. Glenn
Sam Hessel
Joan Hill
Norman Kane
Isabel Lieberman, The Family Album
Gary McGrath
Leona Rostenberg and Madeleine Stern
Robert Rubin
Florence Shay
Franklin Spellman
Martin Stone
Jeffrey Thomas
Kathleen Thompson
Michael R. Thompson
David Wentworth
Christopher Williams