Recent Catalogs from Jeff Weber Rare Books

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Catalogue 310: History of Science 97 books in a wide range of topics in the history of science, I am pleased to announce the start of a planned-lengthy offering from several collections on the history of science. In particular: Arabic Science, Architecture, Astronomy, Chemistry, Genetics, Engineering, Mathematics, Mineralogy, Philosophy, Physics, etc. All these are gathered from the collections of ROGER HAHN, NORMAN HAROLD HOROWITZ, DAVID CHARLES LINDBERG, ABRAHAM PAIS, DORIS T. ZALLEN, and others.
309: Nature of the Chemical World Continuing from Catalogue 305 (41 books); this catalogue contains additional 88 books in the history of chemistry.
308: King’s Choice 62 books selected from the library of Henry C. King, historian of the telescope and scientific instruments, with some additions
307: Science 113 Books in the history of science, many from the library of Roger Hahn
306: Medical Books 61 books in the history of medicine, & Occupational medicine, Public health, largely from the collection of Dr. Arthur Frank
305:  CHEMISTRY AND ITS HISTORY 41 books from a private collection, with some additions, all on the history of chemistry.
303: From the library of L. PEARCE WILLIAMS on the History of Science From the library of L. PEARCE WILLIAMS – on the History of Science
302: History of Science 88 books in the history of science largely from the library of L. Pearce Williams. With additions.
301: History of Chemistry The library of Michel Joyeux, Chemist. 493 books. Inventory supplied.
300: Highlights 30 books in a variety of fields: History of Science, History of Medicine, Natural Sciences, Catalonia - Spain, Egypt, Persia, Russia, Switzerland, Greeting Cards, Photography
299: Selections from the library of L. Pearce Williams (1927-2015) From the library of L. Pearce Williams and the Burndy Library, both on the history of science. 91 books.
298: OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE Books on the history of medicine, in particular, books on occupational health. 69 books.
297: Burndy Science & more Approximately 75 books, mostly history of science, Art & Art History, Bibliography & Books on Books, Engineering, History – Including European, Horology: Clocks & Watches, Maritime, Medical Bibliography Natural History, Philosophy, Photography, Media: Radio & Telephone, Railroads, History of Science, Scientific Instruments, Ships & The Sea, Technology & Transport, Voyages & Travel
296: Masterpieces of Fore-edge Painting. Part II. 20 Choice fore-edge paintings, mostly from the collection of Dr. Randall J. Moskovitz. Fully illustrated.
295: CATALOG OF SCIENTIFIC & MEDICAL BOOKS RELATING TO HISTORY & RAILS, MARITIME, ETC. Mostly from the Burndy Library on the history of science. Topics: Bibliography & books on books; Maritime; Medical history; Science & Technology; Rails & Transportation
294: History of Medicine & Urology 73 books mostly from the library of George Kaplan.
293: FURTHER SELECTIONS FROM THE BURNDY LIBRARY 74 books mostly from the Burndy Library for the history of science, technology, engineering, railroading, shipping, navigation, Americana, bibliography
292: The Burndy Library [History of Science & Medicine] 84 books mostly from the Burndy Library for the history of science, technology, engineering, railroading, shipping, navigation, Americana, bibliography
291: BOOKSELLER’S CABINET, BEING HIGHLIGHTS & RECENT ACQUISITIONS OR, ‘BROWSING THE SHELVES’ 49 books in many fields: Africa, Americana, Architecture, Bible, Bindings, Bird-trapping, Bookbinding Manual, Color Plate books, Education, Emblemata, Etched book, Fables, French history & literature, Italian Art, Japan, Koran, Marine biology, Mexico Natural Sciences, Philosophy, Religion, Sets, Millard Sheets, Gertrude Stein, Voyages
290: RECENT ACQUISITIONS IN ASTRONOMY 114 books and papers on the history of astronomy, including books from several private collections
288: Science, Chemistry, Engineering, Technology 64 books in a wide variety of topics in the sciences: chemistry, engineering, mathematics, natural science, physics, technology, and transportation.
287: From the Bern Dibner Library AMERICANA, HISTORY OF SCIENCE, ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY 107 books: Americana, Bibliography, Bridges, Engineering, Exploration, Manufacturing, Medicine, Science, Scientific Instruments, Ships, Technology, Voyages
286: From the Bern Dibner Reference Library HISTORY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Art, architecture, bibliography, collecting, cartography, engineering, medicine, navigation, medicine, science, ships, technology, trains, transportation, travel, voyages
285: From the Bern Dibner Reference Library: HISTORY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, with some additions 81 books in a wide variety of works supporting the history of science & technology in a wide sense: art, bibliography, biography (science & industry), cartography, collecting, bridges, history of medicine, history of science, navigation, ships, technology, trains, transportation, travel
284: Urology & Medical history, with additions 58 books. Thomas ADDISON – Charles BELL – Ronnie Beth BUSH – Meredith Fairfax CAMPBELL – Consejo General de Colegios Medicos de Espana – Zachary COPE – Michael CRUMPLIN, FRCS – David Melvin DAVIS – Francisco DIAZ – Alice Domurat DREGER – Gregg EASTERBROOK – Sarita EASTMAN – Petrus de EBOLI – Alan E.H. EMERY – European Association of Urology, Historical Committee – Albert Chauncey EYCLESHYMER – Niels Ryberg FINSEN – Barry G. FIRKIN – John E. Fogarty International Center – Werner FORSSMANN – Girolamo FRACASTORO – Henry GRAY – William Stewart HALSTED – Henry Howard HARPER – Hastanın Prostat Muayenesi [Ottoman] – Jerome Reed HEAD – Johannes de KETHAM – C. Everett KOOP – Albert S. LYONS – Frank J. MCGOWAN – Frederick C. McLELLAN – Rudolph MATAS – Wim A. MOONEN – Leslie T. MORTON – First International Conference on the History of Nephrology, Naples. – Frank H. NETTER – Charles D. O’MALLEY – R. Joseph PETRUCELLI – Eugene Hillhouse POOL – Peter Charles REMONDINO – Ira RUTKOW – J.B. deC. M. SAUNDERS – Schering Corporation. – Daniel Martin SCHOEMAKER – James SYME – Jurgen THORWALD – pseud. [Heinz BONGARTZ] – Nicholas L. TILNEY – J.C.H.M. VAN DER MEULEN – Julien VERVAET – Andreas VESALIUS – Leonard Paul WERSHUB – D. Innes WILLIAMS – Judith A. WHITWORTH – William WOLLASTON – Hugh H. YOUNG
282: History of Mathematics including books from the library of Jurgen Ritter 33 books written by: ARCHIMEDES – Thomas SIMPSON – Daniel BERNOULLI – Etienne BEZOUT – Charles BOSSUT – Franz Friedrich Wilhelm BESSEL – Charles BABBAGE – Ferdinand JOACHIMSTAHL – RIEMANN, Bernhard – Ferdinand Georg FROBENIUS – Adalbert BREUER – Paul Ver EECKE – Edmund LANDAU – Paul M. BATCHELDER – Harry BATEMAN – Eric Temple BELL – Alexander Craig AITKEN – Georg AUMANN – Georges BOULIGAND – Nikolai Maximowitsch GUNTER – Otto HAUPT – Rodion Ossijewitsch KUSMIN – Nikolai Wladimirowitsch EFIMOW – E. E. BELL – Richard BELLMAN – Max BLACK – Charles W. CURTIS – Albrecht FROHLICH – Irving REINER – Peter J. ROQUETTE – E.E. RUSSELL – Pierre SAMUEL – Jean-Pierre SERRE – André WEIL – Osca ZARISKI – Luis RIBES – Pavel ZALESSKII
281: Masterpieces of Fore-edge Painting 15 stellar specimens with historical interest
280: From Sanskrit & India, Oriental Philosophy & Religion (pt. V) 92 books, each unusual and all from a private collection.
279: THE PERSONAL LIBRARY OF GEORGE ELLERY HALE and the Mount Wilson Observatory [Part II] 52 books relating to the history of science, astronomy, and more.
278: THE PERSONAL LIBRARY OF GEORGE ELLERY HALE 42 books, including the history of science, education, the history of astronomy, FESSENKOV & ROZHKOUSKI 1953 Atlas of Gaseous Dust Nebulae with 56 original photographs, HOLTZAPFFEL's Turning and Mechanical Manipulation, etc
277: More Books from a Private Collection 55 books on Buddhism, Oriental philosophy, early religion, Sanskrit, India, Symbolism, and more.
276: The Frederick A. Frye Medical History & Pediatrics Library About 64 books, mostly from the library of Dr. Frye, with additions. The majority of the books deal with pediatrics, women's health, or the care of children. Some other medical books are added. Of special interest is a first edition of Kerckring 1670.
275: The Serpent Power; more unusual books on Orientalism and free thought 76 books on Oriental studies, India, Yoga, Sanskrit, Persia, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Eastern religions, Paganism, "Wisdom of the East" series, The Vishnu Purana, etc.
274: Medical Books, including the library of George Kaplan (pt. V) 56 books mostly relating to medical history, urology, children's surgery, dermatology, ophthalmology, etc., plus recent acquisitions
273: The Eric & Alexandre De Henseler Library (Pt II) 67 books on areas including 'free thought', philosophy, Sanskrit, Orientalism, Eastern Philosophy & especially India and some on Persia. The study of ancient languages is a constant theme in this collection former by father & son.
272: The Eric & Alexandre De Henseler Library 80 books representing a selection from the De Henseler family library, being representative of their interests in theosophy, Orientalism, philosophy, Paganism, free thought, French literature, classics, Egyptology, languages, Indian philosophy (including early yoga), Middle East, including something of Iranian interests.
271: Medical Books: From the Library of George Kaplan & others Approx. 67 books from the libraries of George Kaplan, J. Wayne Cooper, Hernan Demonti, Frederick Frye & others.
270: PHILIP WILSON’S LIBRARY; Pt. II: S.L.A.M. Book Fair, Paris 87 books in various fields, including the history of medicine, philosophy, classics, history of science, spiritualism, ghosts, eugenics, John Reed, Angling Sports (1773), The Battle of Bunker Hill (1841), Manual of Classical Erotology with erotic fore-edge painting, Persecution of the Christians in Madagascar (1840), Anna Hartshorne on Japan, Justus von Liebig, and more.
269: A Bookman’s Pleasure: Paul Luther - Astronomy Books The personal reference library of Paul Luther, bookseller-scholar, historian of astronomical bibliography. 90 pages.
268: From the Shelves of EDWIN VICTOR GLASER Bookseller, Medical Sciences 105 books from the medical (or) science reference books and stock of Edwin Glaser. Fully illustrated.
267: “The Familiar Enchantment of the East” - PERSIA & ORIENTALIA 47 books or manuscripts, maps, relating to Persia and the Middle East, the Levant, Orientalia.
266: A BOOKMAN’S PLEASURE THE RESEARCH LIBRARY OF PAUL LUTHER 98 Books and pamphlets relating to the history of science, astronomy, biography, and bibliography, including bookseller catalogues.
265: The Library of Phillip K. Wilson: Medical History & Spiritualism; Ghosts & Psychics 88 books: Medical History & Spiritualism; Ghosts & Psychics, Hawaii, and more.
264: The Paul Luther Collection on the Bio-Bibliographical History of Astronomy with Rare Bookseller 75 books, pamphlets, relating to the history of science, most of astronomy and astronomers. Numerous indexes, bookseller catalogues, reference books.
263: Urology & Medical History, the library of George Kaplan, Part III About 60 items relating primarily to the history of medicine and urology.
262: Trans-Atlantic Bookfair, ABAA, ILAB 50 Important Books and Manuscripts in a variety of fields. SUBJECTS:
Africa 37
Alchemy 58
Astronomy 7, 20, 30, 31, 33, 34, 51,
Bibliophilia 13, 16, 54
British Literature 29
Chemistry 19
Cuneiform tablet 3
Economics 24
Electricity 46
Experimental Science 12
Fore-edge Painting 14
Library Catalogues 16
Literature 29, 52
Manuscripts 11, 36
Mars 17
Mathematics 5, 6, 25, 39, 40, 43, 47,
Medical 1, 2, 11, 26, 27,
Meteorology 48
Microscopy 32
Middle East 18
Mineralogy 56, 58
Natural Philosophy 49
Orientalism; Persia 42
Persia 23, 28, 35, 41
Physics 45, 53, 59
Presidents 151
Secret Writing; Cryptography 50
Statistics 44
Switzerland 57
Theology 8, 9, 21,
Voyage & Travel 4, 10, 18, 41
261: Rare Books & Manuscripts [RBMS] Section ACRL Catalogue 50 books and manuscripts. Alchemy – Americana – Astrology – Astronomy – Bacteriology – Bibliography – Bookmaking; papermaking – Botany – Classics – Cuba – Dictionary – Distillation; Chemistry – Early Printing (16th century) – Electricity – Fore-edge Painting – Historiography – Literature – Logic – Magnetism – Manuscript – Mathematics – Medical – Microscopy – Midwifery – Natural Science – Navigation – Nuclear physics – Optics – Persia – Perspective – Philosophy – Physics – Russia – Theology – Turkey – Voyages – Women authors
260: The Library of Allen S. Bishop: 97 books: Ernst Abbe, History of Science, Horology, Machinery, Microscopy, Optics, Photography, Precision Instruments, Technology, Carl Zeiss
259: THE LIBRARIES OF DRS. MARIO E. SPADA & HERNAN DEMONTI 29 Rare books in the history of Science & Medicine: AUTHORS: Academie Royal de Chirurgie (1755-60). Ulyssis ALDROVANDUS (1638/1644). Thomas BARTHOLIN (1662, 1670). Georges BERTIN (1586). Robert BOYLE (1667). [Gautier d'Agoty] Antoine COURT DE GEBELIN (1776). Pierre DEFAUX [DEFOSSEZ?] [Manuscript] (1757). Rene DESCARTES (1650). Jean Amedee DUPAU (1826). Thomas ERASTUS (1580, 1572). FABRICIUS, ab Aquapendente (1592). GALEN (1556). Pierre GASSENDI (1680). Theodoros GAZES (1536). William HARVEY (1650, 1651). Caspar HOFMANN (1619). Jean-Baptiste Remy JACQUELIN-DUBUISSON (1816). Jan JONSTON (1648). Carlo LANCILLOTTI (1683). Joseph LIEUTAUD (1766). Étienne-Jules MAREY (1877). Eduard MARTIN (1911, 1912). Pierre Jean Claude MAUDUYT de la Varenne (1784). Jacques MESNARD (1753). Joannis Baptistae MORGAGNI (1728). Antoine PETIT, [Manuscript] (1762). Jean RIOLAN (1674). Friedrich SCHLEMM (1830). Jean-Baptiste VAN HELMONT (1670). Henry Patrick WAGENER (1937).
258: From Spiritualism to Table Rappers & Medical Science. The Dr. Philip K. Wilson Library [P & R] Approximately 95 books on spiritualism, ghosts, medical history, medical oddities, and more.
257: Weber’s Operative Surgery; Urology; Medical History 66 books of interest for medical book collectors, historians, with most being from the private library of Dr. George Kaplan.
256: Selections from the Mathematical Library of HAROLD LEVINE With additions ... LOGIC, MATH & PHYSICS
255: THE GEORGE W. KAPLAN, MD UROLOGY & MEDICAL HISTORY LIBRARY 47 books from the urology libraries of George Kaplan, Elmer Belt, Willard Goodwin.
254: EROTIC FORE-EDGE PAINTINGS Collection of erotic fore-edge paintings.
253: An American in Montreux. II 1300+ more medical books offered at 50% discount. Sale is temporary. We are moving to Switzerland.
252: An American in Montreux. I 1300 medical books for sale at 50% discount
251: The Art of Disappearing Paintings On the Edges of Books: FORE-EDGE PAINTING 26 fore-edge paintings: The Art of Disappearing Paintings On the Edges of Books: FORE-EDGE PAINTING: A Study of its History and Art by Evidence.
250: Book Bound for Glory 69 books: AUTHORS: Howard Bernhardt ADELMANN – Joseph AGASSI – Lorin ANDERSON – Herbert Douglas ANTHONY – ARCHIMEDES – Joseph BANKS – Yvon BELAVAL – Edward D. BERKOWITZ – Jean-Baptiste BIOT – Thomas BIRCH – Marie BOAS – Charles BONNET – Robert BOYLE – Sir David BREWSTER – Daniele BUI – Frederick BURKHARDT – D. Graham BURNETT – Harold BUTLER – Pierre-Jean-Georges CABANIS – Francesco Girolamo CANCELLIERI – Ronald William CLARK – Gustave COHEN – Nicolaus COPERNICUS – Pierre COSTABEL – Jean le Rond d'ALEMBERT – Charles DARWIN – Antonio J. DELGADO – John Theophilus DESAGULIERS – Stillman DRAKE – Francoise DUBOSSON – The Electricity Council [of] London – Wilhelm ENGELMANN – John Joseph FAHIE – Michael FARADAY – M. F*** FAURIEL – Maurice A. FINOCCHIARO – Charles Robert Leslie FLETCHER – Margery Somers FOSTER – GALILEO GALILEI – Jan GOLINSKI – John Edward GRAY – Aime GUILLON DE MONTLEON – Amiral Jacques Dumont d'Urville GUILLON – Georges GUSDORF – Thomas L. HANKINS – William HARVEY – William HERSCHEL – Erna HILFSTEIN – Michael A. HOSKIN – Marie JACOB – Georg Wilhelm August KAHLBAUM – Witold KULA – Julien Offray de LA METTRIE – Jan LACKI – Antonio LAFUENTE – Rudolf Ernest LANGER – Antoine LAVOISIER – Gottfried Wilhelm LEIBNIZ – Justus von LIEBIG – Charles LYELL – William Sharp MACLEAY – Marcello MALPIGHI – Pierre-Louis Moreau de MAUPERTUIS – Jacques MERLEAU-PONTY – Aldo MIELI – Friedrich MOHR – Luis MONTHEL – Serge MOSCOVICI – John NEU – Sir Isaac NEWTON – Patrick O'BRIAN – Robert OLBY – Antonie PANNEKOEK – Francis PARSONS – Louis PASTEUR – Max PETTENKOFER – Francois PEYRARD – Jean-Claude PONT – William B. PROVINE – Jan Evangelista PURKYNE – Edward ROSEN – Hans SCHIMANK – Heinrich SCHMIDT – Rene SCHNEIDER – Robert E. SCHOFIELD – Michael SEGRE – Lao Genevra SIMONS – Charles SINGER – Eugene B. SKOLNIKOFF – Alan G. R. SMITH – Sydney SMITH – Wilfred James SPARROW – Barrington TATFORD – Sir Benjamin THOMPSON [COUNT RUMFORD] – Paola S. TIMIRAS – Rene VALLERY-RADOT – Carl VOGT – Carl von VOIT – Sir Emery WALKER – Ritchie R. WARD – John W. WEBSTER – Kathleen WELLMAN – Theodore A. WERTIME – Leonard G. WILSON

SUBJECTS: Académie des Sciences [Paris], Architecture [Italian], Astronomy, Bibliography (Scientific), Biography, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Embryology, Engineering, Evolution, Exploration, Genetics, Geography, Gunpowder, Lyon [France], Mathematics, Medicine, Natural Philosophy, Philosophy, Physics, Pubic Health, Railroads, History of Science, Yale University
249: HYPNOSIS & MESMERISM – Spiritualism – Medical History & Oddities TOPICS: Biology – Botany – Drugs – Eugenics – Evolution – Family Medicine – Genetics – Heredity – Hydrotherapy – HYPNOTISM – Literature – Medical Biography – Medical History – Mental Retardation – Military Medicine – Netherlands – Isaac NEWTON – Occult – Paleontology – Paleontology – Paranormal – Pregnancy – Psychic Phenomena – Psychokinesis – Psychology – Psychotherapy – Science Biography – Spiritualism – Tobacco – Tuberculosis
248: Medicine 47 books: AUTHORS & others: Gaspare ASELLI – Anthony Askew -- Pearce Bailey -- Matthew Baillie -- William BARROW -- Daniel BERGSMA -- Sir Thomas BROWNE -- John BROWNLOW -- Paul C. BUCY -- Charles W. Burr -- Aulus Cornelius CELSUS -- Sir Astley Paston COOPER -- George W. CORNER -- Jean CRUVEILHIER -- Pierre-Joseph DESAULT -- Charles DEVAL -- Thomas DWIGHT -- George H. Herman ELLWANGER -- Johann Friedrich August von ESMARCH – Girolamo FRACASTORO – Johann Peter FRANK – Stanton A. Friedberg – Fielding H. Garrison – Douglas R. GOLDING – E. Enoch HALE, Jun – Albert [Albrecht von] HALLER – Laurence Lorenz HEISTER – Hospital for Sick Children London, England – Salomon R. KAGAN – Abraham LEVINSON – William MACMICHAEL – Richard Mead – Charles MOREL – John NORTH – Organisation mondiale de la sante – Sir William OSLER – George C. Peachey – William and David Pitcairn – Charles-Gabriel PRAVAZ – John Radcliffe – Henry RAPHAEL – Franz REISINGER – Mathias ROTH – Jakob RUEFF – Benjamin RUSH – Samuel SHARP – Charles & Dorothea SINGER – A. E. [Alvan Edmond] SMALL – John SNOW, M.R.C.S. – C. D. Spivak – Luigi STAMPINI – Alan C.STEVENSON – M. I. Patricia STEWART – Luigi TANSILLO – William Holme VAN BUREN – Alfred VOGEL – Samuel WARREN – John WATSON – Paul Gottlieb WERLHOF – Charles WEST – Thomas Harrison YEOMAN – Carl ZIGROSSER

SUBJECTS: Bandaging – Cardiology – Congenital malformations – Fevers – Fractures – Gout – Hebrew Medicine – Histology – Homoeopathy – Laryngology – Lungs – Medical Anecdotes – Medical Art – Medical Biography – Medical Classics – Medical History – Medical Letters – Midwifery – Nursing – Obstetrics – Ophthalmology – Otology – Pathology – Pediatrics – Psychology of Murder – Religion – Resuscitation – Roman medicine – Stomach – Surgery – Tumors – Voltaire
247: From the Private Library of PHILIP K. WILSON, PH.D. TOPICS: Anatomy -- Astronomy -- Biology -- Blood Transfusion -- Botany -- Classics -- Darwinism -- Disabilities -- Electricity -- Eugenics -- French History -- Genetics -- Hawaii -- Heredity -- Inoculation -- Italian History -- Leprosy -- Medical Biography -- Medical Education -- Medical History – Medical oddities -- Microbiology -- Midwifery -- Pain -- Paleontology -- Pediatrics -- Pharmacology -- Philosophy -- Phrenology -- Plagues -- Pregnancy -- Public Health -- Religion -- Sexuality -- Spiritualism.

AUTHORS, SUBJECTS & EDITORS: Agatin T. ABBOTT; Jean-Augustin AMAR DU RIVIER; William BATESON; John BROWN; Thomas CREECH; Daniel DEFOE; Michael A. FLANNERY; Ross H. GAST; Cosmo Alexander GORDON; Walter J. HADDEN; Karl LACHMANN; David LANGFORD; Richard LANSDOWN; Marc LAPPE; Edward J. LARSON; Johann Kaspar LAVATER; Christopher LAWRENCE; Susan C. LAWRENCE; George LAWTON; Peter LEAD; Horace LEAF; Susan E. LEDERER; John Coakley LETTSOM; Johan LILJENCRANTS; Margarette LINCOLN; Beals E. LITCHFIELD; John Uri LLOYD; John LOCKE; Oliver LODGE; Bert James LOEWENBERG; Paul A. LOMBARDO; Harland William LONG; William Robert LOOSLEY; Professor J. S. LOVELAND; LUCRETIUS CARUS; Kenneth M. LUDMERER; Deborah LUPTON; Edward LURIE; George MAC GREGOR; Robert Purks MACCUBBIN; Fiona A. MACDONALD; Gordon A. MACDONALD; Niccolo MACHIAVELLI; Niall MACLEAN; Rev. Howard MACQUEARY; Andreas-Holger MAEHLE; Lois N. MAGNER; Molly Maureen MAHOOD; Ralph H. MAJOR; David MALO; Gina MARANTO; Don Francisco de Paula MARIN; Othniel Charles MARSH; Alfred Wilhelm MARTIN; Emily MARTIN; John MASSON; Nettie Colburn MAYNARD; Cristina MAZZONI; Joseph MCCABE; Maclyn MCCARTY; Ruth MCCLURE; Georgess MCHARGUE; John S. MCINTOSH; James Hewat McKENZIE; Thomas MCKEOWN; Richard MEAD; Charles Delucena MEIGS; Mary Ries MELENDY; Gregor MENDEL; Charles Arthur MERCIER; F. J. F. MEYEN; Jules MICHELET; Frank MILLS; Ormsby M. MITCHEL; David T. MITCHELL; James C. MOHR; Mary Wortley MONTAGU; John MOORE; Pete MOORE; Michelle T. MORAN; Lacy Collison MORLEY; David B. MORRIS; Iwan Rhys MORUS.; Ornella MOSCUCCI; Fitzhugh N.A.M. MULLAN; Hermann Joseph MULLER; Hugh Andrew Johnstone MUNRO; Robert F. MURRAY; Thomas H. MURRAY; Museo La Specola Florence; Frederic W. H. MYERS; Juri MYKKANEN; Linda ORR; John H. OSTROM; Charles H. ROBINSON; Mark A. ROTHSTEIN; Sharon L. SNYDER; Alfred-Armand-Louis-Marie VELPEAU; Gilbert WAKEFIELD.
246: Bookseller’s Cabinet: From the Shelves of EDWIN VICTOR GLASER, Bookseller 145 books offered in these SUBJECTS: Aviation Medicine – Bibliography – Biography – Botany – Cardiology – Chemistry – Climatology – Digestion – Enology – Genetics – Gynecology – Heredity – History of Medicine – History of Science – Horology – Hypnotism – Internal Medicine – Mathematics – Medical Education – Medical Electricity – Microscopy – Neurology – Neuropathology – Nutrition – Obstetrics – Ophthalmology – Orthopedics – Osteopathy – Parasitology – Phrenology – Physiology – Physiotherapy – Preventive Medicine – Psychology – Psychotherapy – Science Bibliography – Scientific Instruments – Space Medicine – Surgery – Technology – Virology

AUTHORS: Rasmus Larrsen ALSAKER; Adolf ALT; Francis Edmund ANSTIE; Hans ARNOLD; Walter ARTELT; Joseph Charles AUB; Grace K. BABSON; Alfred BADER; Granville Hugh BAILLIE; Donald BATEMAN; Antoine Laurent Jesse BAYLE; John William Maddock BAYLISS; Nora Sigerist BEESON; Otis Otto BENSON, Jr.; Jacob BERZELIUS; Alain BESSON; Edgar Milton BICK; Robert BING; John Ballard BLAKE; Edwin Garrigues BORING; Henry Ingersoll BOWDITCH; Robert Peter BRITTAIN; Paul BROCKETT; Sir Benjamin Collins BRODIE; John BROMLEY; Ann M. BUDY; Joseph CARVALHO, III; Kakugyo S. CHIKU; Francis Joseph COLE; Runar COLLANDER; J. Gordon COOK; Crerar Library; Ludwig DARMSTAEDTER; Charles DARWIN; Humphry DAVY; Kenneth DEWHURST; Robert DICK; Rene du BOISREYMOND; Leslie Clarence DUNN; David Linn EDSALL; Seymour Morgan FARBER; John FERGUSON; Alfred George Timbrell FISHER; Richard B. FISHER; John FITCH; Richard Broke FREEMAN; Walter FREEMAN; Sigmund FREUD; W. Bruce FYE; Stuart GALISHOFF; Iago GALDSTON; Frances Tomlinson GARDNER; Fielding Hudson GARRISON; Giuseppe Luigi GIANELLI; Willard GIBBS; Paul GLATZ; Jacob A. GOLDBERG; Alfred GOLDSCHEIDER; Albrecht von GRAEFE; Francisco GUERRA; Albert Jean GUIBERT; Ruth K. HAPGOOD; John HARINGTON; Sir John HARINGTON; William HARVEY; RichardJ. HERRNSTEIN; Wolfgang HOCHHEIMER; Oliver Wendell HOLMES, Sr.; Timothy HOLMES; Friedrich HORNER; Jean-Charles HOUZEAU; Charles O. JACKSON; Carl Gustav JUNG; Martin KAUFMAN; Arthur KEITH; David M. KNIGHT; Georges de LA FAYE; Albert Benoit-Marie LANCASTER; François Maurice Victor LEGOUAS; Charles LEGROS; Justus von LIEBIG; Nils LILJEQUIST; James LIND; Joseph LISTER; Edward Meakin LIVINGSTON; Mikhail Vasil'evich LOMONOSOV; Angelo LONGO; John Allan Craigie MACEWEN; John. P. McGOVERN; Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland; Charles Delucena MEIGS; Leslie Thomas MORTON; Paul Fleury MOTTLELAY; Sir Berkeley George Andrew MOYNIHAN; Earl F. NATION; National Academy of SciencesNational Research Council.; Maurice NEVEULEMAIRE; Isaac NEWTON; Dwight O'HARA; John William OLIVER; Nicolas Joseph Ernest ONIMUS; Hiram Winnett ORR; Lynn Moses OSEN; William OSLER; Henry Maximillian PACHTER; Francis PACKARD; PARACELSUS; Ambroise PARE; John Ayrton PARIS; Albert PETERS; Charles H. PIXLEY; Humphrey Thomas PLEDGE; Eugene Hillhouse POOL; Desmond POWELL; Joseph PRIESTLEY; Ernst Georg PRINGSHEIM, Jr.; Grant Lister RASMUSSEN; Giovanni RASORI; Jay Marion READ; James V. RICCI; David RICHARD; Robin E.RIDER; Walter RIESE; Eugenio RIGNANO; Louis Harry RODDIS; Sir Francis RONALDS; Charles Gordon ROLAND; Isadore Clinton RUBIN; Pietro RUBINI; Muriel RUKEYSER; Arthur RUSKIN; George SARTON; Todd L. SAVITT; Karl E. SCHAEFER; Colonel z. D. Carl SCHAEFER; Georg SCHEFFERS; Robert E. SCHOFIELD; Daniel Gottlob Gottlieb Moritz SCHREBER; Daniel Paul SCHREBER; Dorothy May SCHULLIAN; Daniel Edward SCHNEIDER; Henry SEWALL; Henry E. SIGERIST; Arthur M. SILVERSTEIN; Joseph SIMMS; John SINKANKAS; Giuseppe SKODA; David Eugene SMITH; Francis Erich SOMMER; Ruth A.SPARROW; Kurt STERN; Hubertus STRUGHOLD; Thomas SYDENHAM; Frank Sherwood TAYLOR; Auguste THILLAYE; Samuel THEOBALD; Charles THOMAS-STANFORD; John Leonard THORNTON; Gaston TISSANDIER; William TULLY; Gerard L'Estrange TURNER; Francis VALK; Cornelius Bernardus VAN NIEL; William Bechmann WARTMAN; William Dixon WEAVER; Gerald Bertram WEBB; Samuel R. WELLS; Anthea WILSON; Robert H. Lynaugh WILSON; William Frederick WINDLE; R. B. Hervey WYATT; John Richardson YOUNG
245: The Lion’s Share of Books Rendered & Procured: Rags to Riches Books in the Sciences 63 books: A Bookseller's Cabinet: An Assemblage of Rags to Riches Books in the Sciences, Selected from the Libraries of MICHAEL J. CROWE, PH.D., Cavanaugh Professor Emeritus, University of Notre Dame -- Charles Darwin & Code breaking, from the library of DR. WILLIAM ROSS CABEEN, JR. -- DR. ANDRAS GEDEON, DSC, SWEDEN – Oceanographer FRANK EDWIN SNODGRASS (1920-1985) -- Engineering, Mathematics & History of Science DR. EVERETT THOMAS WELMERS (1912-2003). AUTHORS: Nora BARLOW -- Bell Telephone Laboratories -- David BLACKWELL -- Nathaniel Ingersoll BOWDITCH -- Nathaniel BOWDITCH -- Tycho BRAHE -- Florian CAJORI -- da Novara CAMPANO -- Captain Philip CARTERET -- Nigel CAWTHORNE -- Lenora CHU -- Ralph COLP, Jr. -- Nicolaus COPERNICUS -- Gordon CORERA -- Jean le Rond d'ALEMBERT -- Charles DARWIN -- Benjamin DISRAELI -- H.P. DOUGLAS -- Stillman DRAKE -- Melvin DRESHER -- Sir Arthur Stanley EDDINGTON -- Ralph ERSKINE -- David Stanley EVANS -- Alexander Charles EWALD -- M. D. FAGAN -- Eric G. FORBES -- Charles FOX -- Sir John FRANKLIN -- R. B. FREEMAN -- Edwin Brant FROST -- GALILEO -- Meyer Abraham GIRSHICK -- Sydney Henry GOULD -- Francis HAUKSBEE -- Sandra HERBERT -- Andrew HODGES -- Hordern House (booksellers) -- Derek HOWSE -- Elisha Kent KANE -- Rudolph KIPPENHAHN -- Nicolas Louis de La Caille LACAILLE -- James M. LATTIS -- Georg Christoph LICHTENBERG -- David LIVINGSTONE -- Oliver J. LODGE -- Nevil MASKELYN -- Julius Robert von MAYER -- Tobias MAYER -- Jules MICHELET -- Samuel Alfred MITCHELL -- Robert P. MULTHAUF -- John G. MURDOCH -- Sir Isaac NEWTON -- l'Abbe Louis-Antoine NICOLLE DE LA CROIX -- Peter NICHOLS -- Emily Clemens PEARSON -- Arthur Stuart PENNINGTON -- Royal Astronomical Society-- Ernst Ludwig SCHUBARTH -- Samuel Mosheim SCHMUCKER -- Hugh SEBAG-MONTEFIORE -- Michael SMITH -- David STANSBURY -- John Lort STOKES -- Nikola TESLA -- Victor E. THOREN -- Arnold THACKRAY -- Alan TURING -- Robert S. WESTMAN -- Jacob J. WEYRAUCH -- John H. WINSLOW
244: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO FISHING FOR BOOKS: 81 books: AUTHORS & SUBJECTS: Angus ARMITAGE -- Francis BACON -- John Desmond BERNAL -- Claude BERNARD -- Hans BLUMENBERG -- Tycho BRAHE -- Reverend Moses BROWNE -- Hermann Alexander BRUCK -- Mary T BRUCK -- Giordano BRUNO -- Richard W BURKHARDT Jr. -- Vincenzo CAPPELLETTI -- Max CASPAR -- Gale E CHRISTIANSON -- Nicolaus (Nicholas) COPERNICUS -- Michael J CROWE -- Floyd Lavern DARROW -- Charles DARWIN -- Maurice DAUMAS -- Mirko Drazen -- John Louis Emil DREYER -- Rev Edwin W DWIGHT -- Mahshid ESSALAT-WEBER -- Annibale FANTOLI -- Eduard FARBER -- Alexander FINDLAY -- August FOPPL -- Sigmund FREUD -- Galileo GALILEI -- Karl Friedrich GAUSS -- George Ellery HALE -- John Charles HALL -- Edwin HUBBLE -- Thomas Parke HUGHES -- Stanley L JAKI -- Sir James Hopwood JEANS -- Francis Rarick JOHNSON -- William Thomson Lord KELVIN -- Phebe Mitchell KENDALL -- Johannes KEPLER -- Lester S KING -- Jean-Baptiste LAMARCK -- John LEAR -- E A MARLAND -- Edward Arthur MILNE -- Maria MITCHELL -- Jerzy NEYMAN -- Karl Friedrich PAULI -- Paul ROAZEN -- Edward ROSEN -- David B RUDERMAN -- Andrew SCOTT -- Michael H SHANK -- Harlow SHAPLEY -- William René SHEA -- Judith L SHOOLERY -- Lawrence SKLAR -- Robert SMALL -- Piazzi SMYTH -- Martha SOMERVILLE -- Mary SOMERVILLE -- William STEEDS -- Bruce STEPHENSON -- Wiktor STOCZKOWSKI -- Roger H STUEWER -- August PI SUÑER -- Charles SUSSKIND -- Richard P SUTTMEIER -- John Lighton SYNGE -- Albert H TEICH -- Edward TELLER -- R Steven TURNER -- Paul WALDAU -- Aaron WARNER -- Virgil K WHITAKER -- James WINTER -- Helen WRIGHT -- Stephen WRIGHT -- Katharine YOUNG.

SUBJECTS: Archeology, Astronomy, Biochemistry, Biology, Electricity, Evolution, Fishing, History of Medicine, History of Science, Logic, Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Optics, Physics, Prussian Heraldry, Religion, Science-Biography, Science in China, Scientific Revolution, Technology & Machinery, Telegraphy
243: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IN GRANDPA’S LIBRARY 53 books: AUTHORS: American Medical Association; Robert O. BALLOU; Nicolas Lenglet du FRESNOY; Mark JACKSON; Stanley W. JACKSON; Margaret C. JACOB; L. S. [Stephen]. JACYNA; William JAMES; Eric JAMESON; Jules Celestin JAMIN; Mike JAY; Elizabeth JENKINS; Paul JOIRE; James H. JONES; Peter M. JONES; V. Carleton. JONES; William Leighton JORDAN; Ludmilla JORDANOVA; Gerrit P. JUDD; Gerrit P. JUDD IV; James JURIN; Henry Home Lord KAMES; John KEILL; E. Ann KAPLAN; Matthew H. KAUFMAN; Yosio KAWAKITA; James KEILL; Sir Arthur KEITH; Philip KELLAND; Christopher KELLY; Howard KERR; Henry KIDDLE; James KING; John Bolton KING; Lester Snow KING; J. C. H. KING; Kenneth F. KIPLE; Patrick Vinton KIRCH; Athanasius KIRCHER; Alisa KLAUS; Wendy KLINE; David M. KNIGHT; Christopher [Christoph] Wilhelm von KOCH; Sally Gregory KOHLSTEDT; Alan M. KRAUT; Edward KREMERS; John J. KUCICH; George D. LUNDBERG; Harriet S. MEYER; Gardner MURPHY; Yasuo OTSUKA; Hippolyte Léon Denizard RIVAIL ["Allan KARDEC" [pseud.]]; Andrea RUSNOCK; Marshall David SAHLINS; Shizu SAKAI; Ignaz Philipp SEMMELWEIS; Glenn SONNEDECKER; Susan SQUIER; George URDANG

SUBJECTS: American Science & Medicine, Animal Economy, Anthropology, Art (artifacts), Asthma, Astronomy, Dr. Beddoes, Biology, British Technology (1760-1820), Chemistry, Captain James Cook, Depression, Fringe Medicine, History, Daniel Dunglas Home, Gender Study, Genetics, Geography, Gravity, Hawaii, Industrialization, Medical Biography, Medical classics, Medical History, Mediums, Military Surgery, Natural Philosophy, Natural Science (Illustration), Newtonian Science, Pediatrics, Pharmacy (History), Physiology, Physics, Plague, Psychical Research, Psychiatry, Public Health, Quackery, Religion, Reproduction (innovations), Revolutions, Royal Society, Satire, Scottish Medicine, Smallpox, Spiritualism, Supernormal Phenomena, Surgery (History of), Syphilis, Thinking (Philosophy of), Tower of Babel, Women
242: HISTORY OF SCIENCE: BARBARA REEVES, Professor, & Bern Dibner, Dibner Library 79 books: SUBJECTS: American Indians & military technology, American science, Astronomy, Audubon drawings, Bibliography (science), Biology, Cancer history, Chemistry, Chronology, Architecture, Cold War, Culture & illness, Dyes, Electron theory, Elements, Environmental History, Evolution, Exploration, French science, German science, Gravitation, High-Energy physics, History of science, Kant, Law & science, Machinery, Mathematics, Medical biography, Mendelism, Metallurgy, Newtonian science, Nuclear science, Particle Accelerators, Philosophy, Physics, Printing history, Pseudo-Science, Radio waves, Religion & science, Rhetoric, Russian science, Science biography, Scientific instruments, Scientific manuscripts, Scottish philosophy, Spectroscopy, Steam engine, Suez: Canal, Technology, Textiles, Time, Transportation, Utopianism, Women in science

AUTHORS: Pnina G ABIR-AM -- John James AUDUBON -- George Frederick BARKER -- Silvio A. BEDINI -- Edmund BERKELEY -- Dorothy Smith BERKELEY -- Richard J. BLACKWELL -- Christopher C. BOOTH -- Phillip BRICKER -- Robert E. BUTTS -- Max CASPAR -- Boris CASTEL -- John CLAYTON -- Betsy C. CORNER -- John Whitney DAVIS -- Margaret A. EISENHART -- Elizabeth FINKEL -- John FOTHERGILL -- Richard Hingston FOX -- Robert FOX -- Benjamin FRANKLIN -- Viktor FÜRST -- Levi ben GERSHOM [GERSONIDES] -- Henry GUERLAC -- Paul GUYER -- A. Rupert HALL -- Marie Boas HALL -- Willy HARTNER -- Walter HAUSER -- Brooke HINDLE -- Everard HOME -- Elbert HUBBARD -- R.I.G. HUGHES -- John HUNTER -- William HUNTER -- Andrew C. ISENBERG -- Sheila JASANOFF -- Immanuel KANT -- Henrietta HERTZSPRUNG-KAPTEYN -- Jacobus Cornelius KAPTEYN -- Gerson LANGE -- M. Stanley LIVINGSTON -- Sir Norman LOCKYER -- Sir Oliver LODGE -- Hendrik Antoon LORENTZ -- Ian Ellery MCCARTHY -- Russell MCCORMMACH -- Caroline E. MacGILL -- William MCGUCKEN -- Arthur Stanley MACKENZIE -- Stephen A. MCKNIGHT -- Yasukatsu MAEYAMA -- William Francis MAGIE -- Jane MAIENSCHEIN -- Patrick M. MALONE -- Frank E. MANUEL -- Gerald E. MARKLE -- Champion Herbert MATHEWSON -- James Clerk MAXWELL -- Robert MAYHEW -- Otto MAYR -- Arthur Jack MEADOWS -- Dmitri Ivanovich MENDELEYEV -- Balthasar Henry MEYER -- Jeffrey P. MORAN -- Stanley MORISON -- David B. MORRIS -- Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute -- Bruno NARDI -- National Museum of History and Technology -- Isaac NEWTON -- Agusti NIETO-GALAN -- Erik NORDENSKIÖLD -- Mary Jo NYE -- Robert Cecil OLBY -- James S. OLSON -- Richard OLSON -- Jane Marion OPPENHEIMER -- Dorinda OUTRAM -- PAUL OF VENUS -- Wolfgang PAULI -- James C. PETERSON -- Oleg Nikolaevich PISARZHEVSKY -- Alan R. PERREIAH -- Trevor PINCH -- Marcello PERA -- Philosophy of Science Association. -- Max PLANCK -- Robert POLLACK -- John Wesley POWELL -- John PUDNEY -- Helena M. PYCIOR -- Jean RACINE -- David REED -- Jacques ROGER -- Duane Henry Du Bose ROLLER -- Sir Henry Enfield ROSCOE -- Paolo ROSSI -- Walter Gabriel SALTZER -- Carl SCHORLEMMER -- Emilio SEGRÈ -- Marcia Sweet STAYER -- Tom TUCKER -- John TYNDALL -- Jessica WANG -- Donald J. WILCOX -- Sir Christopher WREN
241: BOOKS FROM THE MEDICAL LIBRARY OF MICHAEL T. KENNEDY, MD 66 books: AUTHORS: Karel B. ABSOLON; Francis ADAMS; John ALLEN; American College of Hospital Administrators; Frederick Grant BANTING; Henry Jacob BIGELOW; Michael BIDDISS; Theodor BILLROTH; Alfred BLALOCK; Nathaniel I. BOWDITCH; H. V. CARTER; Frederick F. CARTWRIGHT; Walter CHANNING; Charles G. CHILD; Ierome Bernard COHEN; Harvey CUSHING; Jared DIAMOND; J. Henry DIBLE; J. Wiley EDMANDS; Julie FAIRMAN; Rene G. FAVALORO; Julie M. FENSTER; Joshua FISHER; Reginald Huber FITZ; Maxim D. FRANK-KAMENETSKII; Rosalind FRANKLIN; Rene FULOP-Miller; John Farquhar FULTON; Martin GAY; William GLASSER; Marthe R. GOLD; Joseph GOLDBERGER; Richard GORDON; Henry GRAY; William Stewart HALSTED; Wallace P. HAMBY; Seale HARRIS; William HARVEY; HIPPOCRATES; Richard Manning HODGES; Charles T. JACKSON; Harold Daintree JOHNSON; William Williams KEEN; Howard A. KELLY; Geoffrey KEYNES; Robert KOCH; Alan M. KRAUT; Dominique Jean LARREY; John Rudd LEESON; Joseph LISTER; William P. LONGMIRE, Jr; Joan E. LYNAUGH; W. G. MACCALLUM; Leonard Portal MARK; Massachusetts General Hospital; James Ewing MEARS; Medical Society of the County of New York; Dwight R. MESSIMER; Willy MEYER; Midwifery Dispensary, New York; Roy L. MOODIE; William Thomas Green MORTON; Adam NEALE; Florence NIGHTINGALE; Ambroise PARE; Roswell PARK; Louis PASTEUR; Aegineta PAULUS; Joseph PFLUG; Carl ROKITANSKY; Kenneth J. ROTHMAN; Louise B. RUSSELL; Anne SAYRE; Victor SCHMIEDEN; Joanna E. SIEGEL; Madeline Earle STANTON; Douglas STARR; Paul STARR ; Thomas E. STARZL; John TRUSLER; George G. LINDESMITH; Bernard L. TUCKER; Alfred-Armand-Louis-Marie VELPEAU; Frank T. VERTOSICK; Grant E. WARD; James D. WATSON; Allen B. WEISSE ; Milton C. WEINSTEIN; Cecil WOODHAM-SMITH

SUBJECTS: Anatomy, Anesthesia, Anthrax , Art & medicine, Breast, Cardiology, Electrosurgery, Epidemics, Genetics, Hospitals, Insulin, Liver disease, Medical biography, Medical history, Midwifery, Military medicine, Neurology, Nursing, Pain, Pancreatic Hemorrhage, Pathology, Psychiatry, Public Health, Scientific history, Surgical Pathology, Swelling in limbs, War
240: The Sciences 67 books: FEATURING AUTHORS: Albert the Great [Albertus Magnus] ; Charles Babbage Institute ; Madeleine BARTHELEMY-MADAULE ; Jean-Baptiste BIOT ; George BLISS ; Dirk BROUWER ; David CAHAN ; James W COOLEY ; Maurice P. CROSLAND ; Gerard H. DE VAUCOULEURS ; Simone DUMONT ; Mme DU PIERRY ; John H.EWING ; David FAUSETT ; Juge Honore FLAUGERGUES ; Benjamin FRANKLIN ; William GARNETT ; F.W. GEHRING ; Mark J. GITTINS ; J.L. GREENSTEIN ; Stephen GREENBLATT ; Roger HAHN ; Stephen HALES ; Paul HALMOS ; Peter Michael HARMAN ; Daniel R. HEADRICK ; Friedrich HEBBEL ; Hermann von HELMHOLTZ ; John HENDRY ; Paul W. HENRIKSEN ; Lillian HODDESON ; Frederic Lawrence HOLMES ; Roderick Weir HOME ; E. M. HORSBURGH ; Edwin HUBBLE ; Alexander von HUMBOLDT ; Dunham JACKSON ; T. V. JACOBSON ; Sir James Hopwood JEANS ; Alexander Keith JOHNSTON ; Harold JOHNSTON ; Paul R. JOSEPHSON ; Louis JURINE ; Johannes KEPLER ; Vitaly KISIN ; David M. KNIGHT ; Neal KOBLITZ ; Hermann KOLBE ; Francis J. KOVACH ; Helge KRAGH ; Jerôme LALANDE ; Jean-Baptiste LAMARCK ; Antoine-Laurent de LAVOISIER ; Henry M. LEICESTER ; William LEMPRIERE ; John E. LESCH ; Frank LESTRINGANT ; Trevor H. LEVERE ; Miriam R. LEVIN ; Maria MAGDALENE ; James Clerk MAXWELL ; Roger A. MEADE ; John Ellsworth MERRILL ; Gerald MERTON ; Edward Arthur MILNE ; Sir Isaac NEWTON ; Igor D. NOVKOV ; Observatorio Astronomico de Madrid ; S.C. ROBERTS ; Alan J. ROCKE ; Edward ROSEN ; Robert W. SHAHAN ; Alexander S. SHAROV ; Rene SIGRIST ; Otto STRUVE ; Jöns SVANBERG ; Taiwan Provincial Weather Bureau ; John W. TUKEY ; UNDERHILL, Anne B., FRSC ; Von Albrecht UNSOLD ; A.J.J. Van WOERKOM ; Hermann Carl VOGEL ; Carl von VOIT ; James Dewey WATSON ; David A. WELLS ; Catherine WESTFALL ; Jan von WEYSSENHOFF ; J. C. WILCKE ; Alexander WILCOCKS ; Michael R. WILLIAMS ; Ramon David WOLSTENCROFT ; K. O. WRIGHT

SUBJECTS: Astronomy, Bacteriophage, Biochemistry, Biography, Cartography, Chemistry, Computer history, Cosmology, Cryptography, Electricity, Geology, Hygiene, Information science, Los Alamos, Mathematics, Medical history, Metaphysics, Natural history, Natural Philosophy, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Physiology (experimental), Plant physiology, Russian science, Scientific history, Statistics, Sun spots, Theology
239: NOTABLE & UNUSUAL BOOKS IN THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE: MIDWIFERY, NEUROLOGY, PEDIATRICS 28 books in the medical sciences: Anatomy, Anesthesia, Chest Diseases, Childbirth, Diphtheria, Domestic Medicine, Fevers, Gynecology, Histology, Medical Bibliography, Medical History, Midwifery, Neurology, Nursing, Pathology, Pediatrics, Pharmacology, Sexology, Tropical Medicine. AUTHORS: Arthur Frederick ABT; American Pharmaceutical Association; Giovanni Battista ASSANDRI; George BAKER; Eugene BOUCHUT; Pierre-Fidèle BRETONNEAU; Robert BURTON; William CADOGAN; Walter CHANNING; Nicholas CULPEPER; Calvin CUTTER; Thomas Herbert DAVEY; D. Zacharie DAVIOT; Paul EHRLICH; Havelock ELLIS; M. EMPIS; Herbert McLean EVANS; Fielding H. GARRISON; Conrad GESSNER; Rickman John GODLEE; Evert GORTER; Paul Louis Benolt GUERSANT; James French HARTIGAN; William HEBERDEN; Pieter Cornelis Tobias van der HOEVEN; Frederick HOLLICK; William Wotherspoon IRELAND; Robert A. JAMES; John Cordy JEAFFRESON; Charles Gilmore KERLEY; Josef KLINGLER; Adolf LAZARUS; William Paterson Hay LIGHTBODY; Jacques MONTAIN-LAMBIN; René Théophile Hyacinthe LAENNEC; Eugen LUDWIG; Sir Edward MELLANBY; Mrs. Teresia Constantia MUILMAN; Sir William OSLER; Claudius QUILLET; Rhivallon; Nicholas ROWE; Society for the Publication of Ancient Welsh Manuscripts; Robert Hunter SEMPLE; Werner SPALTEHOLZ; Armand TROUSSEAU; Andreas VESALIUS
238: Rare Books in the Medical Sciences; Anesthesia, Chinese & Mexican Medicine, Dentistry & Dental 43 medical books: SUBJECTS: Anesthesia, Chinese Medicine, Cocaine (Cola-Cola); Dentistry & Dental Instruments, George Dock Offprints, Medical Bibliography, Medical Education, Medical Letters & Medical Poetry, Mexican medical history, Neurosurgery, Opium

AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS: American Heart Association; Andres ARANDA CRUZALTA; Carter Burwell BERKELEY; [Charles] Carolus MINOR; Greene Vardiman BLACK; Astley COOPER; Arthur Joseph CRAMP; Samuel CRUMPE; Harvey CUSHING; Jean DARIER; Thomas DE QUINCEY; Paul DIEPGEN; George DOCK; Daniel DRAKE; John F. FAITHHORN; GALEN; Antonin GOSSET; Alexander GRANT; Simeon Hayden GUILFORD; Heinrich HAESER; William Ernest HENLEY; Pierre HUARD; Blair HUGHES-STANTON; Robert KOCH; Chauncey D. LEAKE; Samuel Albert LEVINE; Thomas LINACRE; Baron Joseph LISTER; Henry Munson LYMAN; Sir William MACEWEN; Charles MacLAURIN; Hugo MAGNUS; Edward Deering MANSFIELD; Otto MARBURG; Angelo or Ange-François MARIANI; John MARTIN; Laird WNEVIUS; William OSLER; Sir James PAGET; Joseph Frank PAYNE; Raymond PEARL; Sir William ROBERTS; Samuel ROLLESTON; Hans SALLANDER; John Cunningham SAUNDERS; William SHARP; Charlotte THOMAS; University of Iowa Museum of Art; Paul UUNSCHULD; [WALLER COLLECTION; Tord SKOOG; Samuel SWHITE; Ming WONG.
237: THE LIBRARY OF FREDERICK A. FRYE: HISTORICAL PEDIATRICS 45 medical books: SUBJECTS: Aphorisms (medical), Dentistry, Dermatology, Fashions, Gastroenterology, Headaches, Hematology, Hemostasis, Heredity, Home Remedies, Measles, Medical Bibliography, Medical Biography, Medical History, Medical Monsters, Obstetrics, Ophthalmology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Rickets, Small Pox, Scarlet Fever

AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS: A. Monroe AURAND, Jr.; Robert BAUSTIN; John Brodhead BECK; David MBONNER; Eugene BOUCHUT; Roland HBAINTON; CELSUS; Jan Hieronim CHROSCIEJOWSKI; [Clothing fashions]; Felix CUNHA; Walter Cooper DENDY; Robley DUNGLISON; Duke University Medical Center Library; Max von FREY; Christoph GIRTANNER; Francis GLISSON; George Milbry GOULD; Marshall HALL F.R.S.E; Samuel Clark HARVEY; Eduard Heinrich HENOCH; Edward JENNER; Johann Helfrich JUNGKEN [JUENGKEN]; Georg KUFNER; Johann KUFNER; Peter Mere LATHAM; William Richard LeFANU; John LINING; Jeremias MARTIUS; Medical Library Association; Friedrich Ludwig MEISSNER; Girolamo MERCURIALE; Theophanus NONNOS; Obstetrical Society of London; Sir William OSLER; John PECHEY; John Charles PETERS; Thomas PHAIRE [PHAYRE]; James PRIMEROSE [PRIMROSE]; August Ritter von REUSS; Eucharius ROESSLIN; Albertus SCHELIGIUS; Henry SCHUMAN; Michael SERVETUS; Henry Ernest SIGERIST; Job Lewis SMITH; Smith, Kline & French Company; Alice SOLLIER; Georg Jacob Friedrich SONNENMAYER; George Frederic STILL; Thomas SYDENHAM; Leonello VITTORI [Leonellus Faventinus VICTORIUS]; Wellcome Historical Medical Museum; Charles WEST; Leonard Charles WOOLDRIDGE; Felix WURTZ [WIRTZ, WUERTZ]; Rudolph WURTZ.
236: RARE BOOKS IN MEDICAL HISTORY, ANIMISME ET SPIRITISME: Library of Philip K. Wilson [H] 83 books: SUBJECTS: Astronomy, Biography, Classics, Dance of Death, Eugenics, Exploration, Evolution, Fringe Medicine, Genetics, Hawaii, History of Medicine, Medical art, Pathology, Sexology, Social Science, Spiritualism & Afterlife, Theology, Volcanoes, Alexander von Humboldt

AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS: Richard C. ALLEN; Fulvio BARDOSSI; Dorothy B. BARRERE; Aime BONPLAND; Jean BURTON; W. F. BYNUM; Anutio FOESIO [Anuce Foës]; Philip FRANCIS; Elizabeth HAIKEN; Trevor H. HALL; John S. HALLER; Jurgen HAMEL; James HAMILTON; Sir William HAMILTON; Evelynn M. HAMMONDS; Edward Smith Craighill HANDY; Thomas John HARDY; J. Max [Joseph Maximilian] HARK; David HARTLEY; William HARVEY; Jonathan HARWOOD; Marouf A. HASIAN, Jr.; Fiona HASLAM; Jo N. HAYS; Richard W. HAZLETT; Phyllis HEMBRY; Joseph HENRY; Folke HENSCHEN; David HERBERT; Don HERBERT; Carlos Maria DE HEREDIA; HERODOTI HALICARNASSEI HERODOTUS; Henri Conrad HERESBACH; Rebecca M. HERZIG; Arthur Emanual HERTZLER; John HETTINGER; HIEROCLES of Alexandria; John Arthur HILL; William HILLEBRAND; HIPPOCRATES; William HODGES; David HOEVELER; William HOFFER; Hans HOLBEIN; Oliver Wendell HOLMES; Henry HOLT; Daniel Dunglas HOME; HORACE; Helen Lefkowitz HOROWITZ; Tony HORWITZ; Thomson Jay HUDSON; Moses HULL; Alexander von HUMBOLDT; William HUNTER; Emily Grant HUTCHINGS; Julian HUXLEY; James H. HYSLOP; Samuel Manaiakalani KAMAKAU; Charlotte L. KELLNER; Hermann KLENCKEOtto KRATZ; Ian JENKINS; Oliver LODGE; Ursula H. MEIER; Adolf MEYER-ABICH; John T. MORSE; Halina NELKEN; John NORRIS; Martin PAPE; Roy PORTER; Mary Kaena PUKUI; Joachim H. SCHULTZE; Ingo SCHWARZ; Kim SLOAN; Richard Henry STODDARD; Helmut de TERRA; Klaus-Harro TIEMANN; Lorenzo VALLA; Windham WYNDHAM-QUIN.
235: WEBER’S ‘NEWLY ILLUSTRATED’ RARE BOOKS: 35 Weiss Books SUBJECTS: Anthropology, Astronomy, Bibliography, Bicycling, Biology, Chemistry, Comets, Darwinism, Dynamo-Electric Machinery, Egypt, Evolution, Light, Magnetism, Mathematics, Mechanical Philosophy, Natural history, Optics, Philosophy, Physics, Scientific Recreations, Steam-engine, Syria, Vertebrate Palaeontology, Voltaire, Voyages, Water.

AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS: James PARTON; Peter Guthrie TAIT; Silvanus Phillips THOMPSON; Joseph John THOMSON; Lynn THORNDIKE; Robert Henry THURSTON; Gaston TISSANDIER; Wilhelm TRABERT; John TYNDALL; Emile VERDET; Auguste VILLIERS; Comte de Constantin Francois de Chassebœuf VOLNEY; VOLTAIRE; Alfred Russel WALLACE; Herbert Eugene WALTER; William D. WEAVER,; Carl Friedrich von WEIZSACKER; William WHEWELL; Henry Smith WILLIAMS; Andrew WILSON; James WOOD; John George WOOD; Arthur Smith WOODWARD; George Frederick WRIGHT; James WYLDE.
234: GET YER GHOST: RARE BOOKS IN MEDICAL HISTORY, ANIMISME ET SPIRITISME, MEDICAL ODDITIES 34 books: SUBJECTS: Fringe Medicine, History of Medicine, Spiritualism & Afterlife; AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS: Louis GALAMBOS; GALEN; Catherine GALLAGHER; Sir Francis GALTON; Hamlin GARLAND; Clarke GARRETT; Eileen J. GARRETT; Fielding Hudson GARRISON; Archibald GARROD; Elizabeth GASKING; Reginald Ruggles GATES; Norman GEVITZ; Sander L. GILMAN; Thomas GISBORNE; Bentley GLASS; William GODWIN; Johann Wolfgang von GOETHE; Oliver GOLDSMITH; Regneri de GRAAF; Harvey GRAHAM, [pseud. of Dr. Harvey FLACK]; Lindsay GRANSHAW; Douglas GRANT; Joseph GRASSET; Mark GRAUBARD; Joseph L. GRAVES; Asa GRAY; Andrew GREEN; Celia Elizabeth GREEN; John C. GREENE; Susan GREENHALGH; Mirko D. GRMEK; Michael F. GUYER; H. HARRIS; Thomas LAQUEUR; Charles MCCREERY; Rudolf MAGNUS; Roy PORTER; Jane Eliot SEWELL; William L. STRAUS, Jr.; Owsei TEMKIN.
233: FORE-EDGE PAINTINGS; THE HIDDEN ART 20 books: SUBJECTS: American Indians, Bible, Binding history, Fore-edge Painting, Italian reformation, Abraham LINCOLN, Poetry, Religion.

AUTHORS, BINDERS, OWNERS, PAINTERS: Henry BATHURST, Beck (binders) Leamington, George BOOTH (owner), Edmund BURKE, J. CARRS & CO., Glasgow (bindery), Margaret COSTA (painter), Sir James DOUGLAS of Cavers, "Dover" (painter), Henry DRUMMOND, F.R.S.E., F.G.S., Vera DUTTER; EDWARDS OF HALIFAX, Lank. FINE (owner), William FIRTH, Martin FROST (painter); Rev. George GILFILLAN, Olive Virginia GOODWIN (owner), James HALL, Josiah Gilbert HOLLAND, William HOWITT, Edward Thomas KING (owner), Vicesimus KNOX, Oscar Ehrhardt Lancaster (owner), , W. J. LOFTIE, Henry Wadsworth LONGFELLOW, William LUKER (painter), Lord Thomas Babington MACAULAY, Thomas L. MCKENNEY, MANSELL (binder), John MILTON, Don NOBLE (painter), Mary NORRIS (owner), Petro Dominico Rosio de PORTA, RAMAGE (bindery), Samuel ROGERS, Sir Walter SCOTT, STEVENS (painter), James THOMSON, Alfred TRAPNELL (owner), Eden WARWICK (pseud.), Edward YOUNG.
232: California Farrago; On Leaving the Great State 96 books & more: SUBJECTS (all relating to California): Alphabets; Americana; Art (western); Bibliography; Birds; Bookselling; California; California Poetry; Cartography (Coastal Survey); Fine Printing; Gold Rush; Los Angeles; Mammoth Trees of California; Medicine (relating to California); Mexico; Miniature book; Photography; Railroads; Western Americana; Wine

AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS, OWNERS, PRINTERS: Lorenzo D. ALDRICH; Don Cameron ALLEN; Automobile Club of Southern California; A. D. BACHE; E. F. BEALE; Sam BEHRENDT (owner); Frederick W. and Carrie S. BEINECKE; Major Horace BELL; R. L. BERNIER, publisher; Amanda BLANCO; Carey BLISS; Book Club of California; Paolo Emilio BOTTA; George King BOURKE (southwestern artist); John BRADBURY; California Academy of Medicine; California Council for the Promotion of History; California Medical Association; California State Library Foundation; Capricorn Press; Dr. BURROUGH; Don Carlos Antonio CARRILLO; Castle Press; John Walton CAUGHEY; Jean-Baptiste CHAPPE D'AUTEROCHE; Cornelius COLE; Marco Arturo Moreno CORRAL; Robert Ernest COWAN; David CUTTER; Dawson's Book Shop; William Leon DAWSON; Alonzo DELANO; Maynard DIXON; Edward E. DUNBAR; Edward DORO; J. M. EDELSTEIN; William EVERSON; Francis P. FARQUHAR; Richard W. FOX; Frances Tomlinson GARDNER; John Bartlett GOODMAN III; Edwin & Robert GRABHORN; Charles E. GREEN; A Don Antonio Ma [Maria] GUTIERREZ; Robert D. HARLAN; Neal HARLOW; Peter HILLER; Gwinn Harris HEAP; W. J. HOLLIDAY (owner); Holmes Book Company, Oakland; Walter H. HORNE (photographer); John Howell—Books; William Rich HUTTON; Robinson JEFFERS; Kenneth M. JOHNSON; Benito Pablo JUÁREZ GARCÍA; William KELLY; Thaddeus S. KENDERDINE; Rudyard KIPLING; Dr. Leon KOLB (owner); Paul LANDACRE; Anthony L. LEHMAN; Robert M. LLOYD; Blanca LUZ BRUM; Graham MACINTOSH; David MAGEE; Alejandro MASALPINA; Clement W. MEIGHAN; Richard S. MITCHELL; Robert J. MOES; Jo MORA; MOREHOUSE, A. G., & C. E. ELSTNER (publishers); Mount Tamalpais and Muir Woods Railway; John Henry Nash; Doyce B. NUNIS, Jr; Duncan H. OLMSTED; Elizabeth OTIS; Francisco “PANCHO” VILLA; Catherine Coffin PHILLIPS; Thomas PINNEY; Bruce PORTER; John Wesley POWELL; Lawrence Clark POWELL; Herbert Ingram PRIESTLEY; James A. PRITCHARD; Jay Marion READ; Dorothy F. REGNERY; Ward RITCHIE; Fred A. ROSENSTOCK; Santa Susana Press; J. B. deC. M. SAUNDERS; Fray Junípero SERRA; David Alfaro SIQUEIROS; Tage SKOGSBERG; John STEINBECK; Gary E. STRONG; Adolph Heinrich Joseph SUTRO; John SWETT; Bayard TAYLOR; Raymond G. TAYLOR; Richard B. TIBBY; Times Steam Job Color Press; Roger L. TITUS; Theodore E. TREUTLEIN; U.S. Department of the Interior; U.S. House of Representatives; Theodore Strong VAN DYKE; Robert DE VAUGONDY; D. Pomposo. VERDUGO; Joseph E. WARE; Charles Dudley WARNER; Douglas S. WATSON; Francis J. WEBER; Carl Irving WHEAT; Leigh WIENER; Gordon WILLIAMS; Daniel WOODWARD; Noel YOUNG; Zamorano Club; Jake ZEITLIN; Zeitlin & Ver Brugge Booksellers, Los Angeles; Tom ZIMMERMAN; Barbara ZOOK FORNEY.
231: 36 Weiss Books 36 books: SUBJECTS: Astronomy – Biography – Botany – Chemistry – Electricity – Evolution – Geography – Geology – Greek & Latin classics – Mammals – Mathematics – Microscopy – Natural History – Optics – Paleontology – Physics – Scientific Instruments – Spectroscopy – Voyages & Travel

AUTHORS: Jacob BIGELOW – Johann Heinrich BOECKLER – Isaac CASAUBON – Ludwig DODERLEIN – Joseph David EVERETT – Denis PETAU [Dionysius Petavius] – Augustin PRIVAT-DESCHANEL – Pierre SALET – Arthur SCHLEEDE – Thomas Joseph Heinrich SCHELLEN – Eduard Oscar SCHMIDT – Erich SCHNEIDER –Gaspar SCHOTT – Jan Arnoldus SCHOUTEN – Garrett Putnam SERVISS – Nathaniel Southgate SHALER – Harlow SHAPLEY – Joseph-Aignan SIGAUD de LAFOND – Ludwik SILBERSTEIN – Benjamin SILLIMAN – Samuel SMILES – James Edward SMITH – Charles Piazzi SMYTH – Mary SOMERVILLE – South Kensington Museum – William SPOTTISWOODE – Johann Heinrich Conrad Gottfried Gustav STEINMANN – George STEPHENSON – Joannes STOBAEUS – Gaius SUETONIUS – Charles H. SYLVESTER – SYNESIUS of Cyrene
230: Fore-edge Paintings: The Hidden Art SUBJECTS: 15 Fore-edge Painted books, Bibles, Fine bindings. AUTHORS, ARTISTS, & CONTRIBUTORS: Mrs. Maria Smith ABDY, Dr. John AIKIN, American Photographic Album, Bibles, Godfrey Benson CHARNWOOD, CICERO, Chinese Fore-edge Painting, Henry Fynes CLINTON, William COWPER, Ms. C. B. CURRIE [artist], "DOVER" [artist/Marks & Co.], William DUNCAN, Martin FROST, John HOPKINS, David MARTIN, Conyers MIDDLETON, Don NOBLE, Louis H. SILVER, Thomas STERNHOLD, 'STEVENS' [artist], Jeff WEBER.
229: WONDERS: RARE BOOKS IN MEDICAL HISTORY, ANIMISME ET SPIRITISME, MEDICAL ODDITIES Approx. 42 books. AUTHORS: Anthony ADAMS-REILLY F.R.G.S.; Margueritte Harmon BRO; Kevin BROWNLEE; SAINT CYPRIAN; Pontius of Carthage; John William DRAPER; Edward Murray EAST; Laurence ECHARD; Sherwood EDDY; Ludwig EDELSTEIN; Simeon EDMUNDS; Philip EDWARDS; Paul A. ELLIOTT; Samuel Bulfinch EMMONS; Gordon EPPERSON; Desiderius ERASMUS; Margaret R. EWALT; Johannes FABRICIUS; William FALCONER; Patricia FARA; Paul Lawrence FARBER; John Stephen FARMER; Georgina D. FELDBERG; Henry FERGUS,; Henry FIELDING; William J. FIELDING; J. Arthur FINDLAY; Valeria FINUCCI; Camille FLAMMARION; Ludwick FLECK; Donald FLEMING; Théodore FLOURNOY; Thomas Rogers FORBES; Arthur FORD; George FORSTER; Johann Reinhold FORSTER; Orson Squire FOWLER; Girolamo [Hieronymi] FRACASTORO [FRACASTORIUS]; Benjamin FRANKLIN; Roger FRENCH; Isaac K. FUNK; James David FORBES; Frank GREENAWAY; Edmund GURNEY; Michael E. HOARE; Martin LUTHER; NATHANIEL MARSHALL; Henry MORE MUNDAY; Thomas ROSCOE; John Campbell SHAIRP; Peter Guthrie TAIT; Owsei TEMKIN; C. Lilian TEMKIN; Emily Wilmer Cave WRIGHT.
228: RARE BOOKS IN PEDIATRICS & MEDICAL HISTORY : ULRICH HACKER Library, with additions & surprises 50 books: Pediatrics, History of Medicine. AUTHORS: Aloysius "Alois" [Aloiz] ALZHEIMER; Oscar AMOEDO Y VALDES; E. J. ARIENS; AVICENNA; Marie-Jacques BARROIS; Walter BRAUTIGAM; Charles BELL; Greene Vardiman BLACK; Joachim BORNEFF; Richard R. BROOKMAN; Andre J. BRUWER; Henry Daggett BULKLEY; Charles CARKESSE; Paul CHRISTIAN; CIBA; Robert M. COHN; William COLE; David Francis CONDIE; Kenneth C.COPELAND; Macdonald CRITCHLEY; Antoine François Adolphe DELABARRE; Thomas DWIGHT; Camille FALCONET; Josiah Foster FLAGG; Simon FLEXNER; George Milbry GOULD; Sir William Richard GOWERS; Great Britain Laws & Tariffs; George GREGORY; GUY DE CHAULIAC [Guido de Cauliaco]; Walter HARRIS; Henricus abad [Hendrik van Heers] HEERS; Karl HENNIG; Friedrich HOFFMANN; Christoph Wilhelm HUFELAND; Karlheinz IDELBERGER; James Wesley JOBLING; Vincentius KETELAAR; Hans KIND; Kollegium Biomathematik NW; Elisabeth KUBLER-ROSS; Martin LISTER; Julia A. MCMILLAN; Louis Felix Emile MAGITOT; Gary S. MARSHALL; Johann Christoph Andreas MAYER; Richard MORTON; E. MUTSCHLER; Frank H. NETTER; Phillip I. NIEBURG; Frank A. OSKI; Sir William OSLER; Gerhard PIEKARSKI; Walter Lytle PYLE; Emil QUERNER; Henry RAPHAEL; Joseph L. RAUH; Ivan ROITT; Nicholas ROSEN VON ROSENSTEIN; Ross Laboratories; Karl S. ROTH; Friedrich SCHNURRER; A.M. SIMONIS; Louis STARR; Thomas SYDENHAM; Thomas Hawkes TANNER; Robert Hermann TILLMANNS [also: TILLMANS]; Michael UNDERWOOD; Barbara A. VAN BRIMMER; Rudolf VIRCHOW; Alfred VOGEL; Eduard M. W. WEBER; Johann WENDT; Charles WEST; Thompson Seiser WESTCOTT; Charles F. WOOLEY; A.C. WOOTTON; Wilhelm WUNDT; Carl ZIGROSSER.
227: Books from the Library of RICHARD WEISS: ASTRONOMY - GEOGRAPHY - MATHEMATICS - NATURAL SCIENCE ASTRONOMY - GEOGRAPHY - MATHEMATICS - NATURAL SCIENCE - OPTICS - PHYSICS. 22 books written by: Edward Fisher BAMBER; James CHADWICK; Jean B. DELAMBRE; Charles Drummond ELLIS; John MACQUORN; Henri MONTIGNOT; Richard Anthony PROCTOR; Claude PTOLEMEE [Claudius Ptolemaeus PTOLEMY]; Charles PYE; William RAMSAY; William RANKINE; Armand RECLUS; Elisee RECLUS; Abbe Jerome RICHARD; Auguste ROBIN; Philip Stewart ROBINSON; Jacques ROHAULT; Henry Enfield ROSCOE; Dante Gabriel ROSSETTI; Edward John ROUTH; Robert ROUTLEDGE; Franz REULEAUX; Ernest RUTHERFORD
226: Ulrich Hacker MD – Library of Rare Pediatrics & Medical History AUTHORS: George ARMSTRONG; Henry ASHBY; John BELL; BELL, Charles; Rudolf Maximilian BOHNSTEDT; Thomas Neville BONNER; Abraham Arden BRILL; Walter Albert Ferdinand BRUNN; Werner E. BUNJES; Aulus Cornelius CELSUS; Henry Dwight CHAPIN; John CHEYNE; Thomas COAR; Andrew COMBE; David Francis CONDIE; Charles DARWIN; Emil FEER; Helmut FERNER; Louis FISCHER,; Sigmund FREUD; Carl GERHARDT Henry GRAY; William HARVEY; Adolph Christian Heinrich HENKE; Eduard Heinrich [Edward] HENOCH; HIPPOCRATES; Friedrich HOFMANN; Luther Emmett HOLT; Charles Gilmore KERLEY; Henry KOPLIK; Frans de LE BOE; Leonardo da Vinci; François MAGENDIE; Joachimus MERIAN; Leslie T. MORTON; Carlo MUSITANO [Carolus MUSITANUS]; Albrecht PEIPER; Godfrey Roger PISEK; John REVERE; Victor ROBINSON; Jacob Christian Gottlieb SCHAFFER; Harriet Sarnoff SCHIFF; Heinrich SCHIPPERGES; Johann Heinrich SCHULZE; Peter V. SCOLES; Ignaz Philipp Ignác Fulop SEMMELWEIS; J. Lewis Job SMITH; SOBOTTA; J. STAUBESAND; Johann STORCH; John Leonard THORNTON; Kenneth R. T. TYSON; Michael UNDERWOOD; Dieter Werner UNSELD; Alfred VOGEL; George Arthur WRIGHT.
225: Ulrich Hacker MD – Library of Rare Pediatrics & Medical History 48 books largely on the history of pediatrics, history of medicine, 17th-century to the 20th century. AUTHORS: Isaac A. ABT; AVICENNA; Adolf BAGINSKY; Jeffrey P. BAKER; R. Frederick BECKER; Peter Hinckes BIRD; Eugene BOUCHUT; Sir Thomas BROWNE; California Medical Association; Ann G. CARMICHAEL; John Crerar Library; Chicago; William Potts DEWEES; George F. DICK; Gladys Henry DICK; Michael A. DORSO; John EBERLE; Johann EGGERS; Richard EIMAS; Richard T. EVANSON; Ludwig FRANKEL; John A. GEHWEILER; Benjamin Lee GORDON; John Price Crozer GRIFFITH; Clifford G. GRULEE; O. Cameron GRUNER; John G. GUNN; Henry HARRIS; L. Christoph HELLWIG; Herman H. HENKLE; Eduard Heinrich HENOCH; Oliver Wendell HOLMES; Friedrich JAHN; J. Roy JONES; Max KASSOWITZ; Abraham LEVINSON; William Palmer LUCAS; Kenneth M. LUDMERER; Henry MAUNSELL; John Forsyth MEIGS; Alois MONTI; Hugh C. MULDOON; Sir William OSLER; Howard A. PEARSON; Albrecht PEIPER; Hermann PETERS; William F. PETERSEN; Richard M. RATZAN; C. A. RODIN; Heinrich SCHIPPERGES; Eustace SMITH; Job Lewis SMITH; Christian Augustus STRUVE; Karl SUDHOFF; Jurgen THORWALD; Matthias (Mathias) TILING; University of Iowa Libraries; Niclas (Nicolas) VENETTE; James W. WILSON.
224: THE MIDDLE EAST (especially PERSIA). [29 books]. SUBJECTS: Afghanistan, Arabian Nights, Babylon, Egypt; Iran, Language (Farsi); Middle East, Persia, Persian Poetry, Saudi Arabia, Turkey.

AUTHORS: George ANTONIUS; Sir Thomas ARNOLD; H. W. (Henry Walter) BELLEW; Pietro BIZARI [BIZZARI]; Philippus CHALLIMACUS; Jacques-Joseph CHAMPOLLION-FIGEAC; CLEASIAS; James DARMESTETER; DÉMON STUDIO, Tehran; Shirin EBADI; Lewis EINSTEIN; Charles Boileau ELLIOTT; Mahshid ESSALAT-WEBER; James Elroy FLECKER, [Herman]; Helle FLECKER; James FRASER (1713-1754); James Baillie FRASER (1783-1856); Alfred GUILLAUMEHAFEZ (14th century); Muḥammad Mustajāb ibn ḤĀFIẒ RAḤMAT KHĀN; HAFIZ RAHMAT KHAN BARECH; Barbara HODGSON; William KIRKPATRICK (1754/6-1812); Moritz von KOTZEBUE; Colonel Sir John MALCOLM; Thoma MINADOUS; Azadeh MOAVENI; Henry Vollam MORTON; Major Sir William OUSELEY; William Gifford PALGRAVE (1826-1888); Julia S. H. PARDOE; PHOTIUS; Mahin POURDAD ESSALAT MOBAYAN; Henricus PORSIUS; Alfred "Toby" RAWLINSON; John RICHARDSON (1740 or 1741-1795); Freya Madeline STARK; Emanuel SWEDENBORG (1688-1772).
223: From the Library of RICHARD WEISS 33 books: SUBJECTS: Astronomy, Biography, Chemistry, Dictionary, Electricity, Italian Renaissance, Mathematics, Optics, Philosophy, Poetry, Pyramids, Roman theatre, Science, Scientific Instruments, Telegraphy, Thermodynamics

AUTHORS: Jacques DALECHAMPS; John Theophilus DESAGULIERS ; Janus GRUTER ; Denison OLMSTED ; William Somerville ORR ; Wilhelm OSTWALD ; Jacques OZANAM ; Ignace Gaston PARDIES ; Jean Claude Eugene PECLET ; Francesco PETRARCA [PETRARCH] ; Denis PETAU, [Dionysius PETAVIUS]; Alessandro PICCOLOMINI ; Titus Maccius PLAUTUS ; PLINY the Elder ; Henry Crozier Keating PLUMMER ; Melchior de POLIGNAC ; William Henry PREECE; Thomas PRESTON ; Ilya Romanovich PRIGOGINE ; Joseph PRIESTLEY ; Matthew PRIOR ; Augustin PRIVAT-DESCHANEL; Richard A. PROCTOR; James SIVEWRIGHT ; Friedrich TAUBMANN
222: 22 Books from the 16th to 19th centuries Agriculture, Chemistry, Distillation, Economics, Herbology, Italy, Mathematics, Medicine, Monsters, Natural Science, Philosophy, Physics, Roman Military & Gladiators; AUTHORS: ACCADEMIA DEL CIMENTO -- FRANCIS BACON -- BIOT -- BOYLE -- BRUNFELS -- BUFFON -- BULWER --
221: Animisme et Spiritisme: Fringe Medical, Alternative Remedies, Medical Oddities, Curiosities 112 books in the areas of fringe medicine, including authors: Rodney M. BAINE; George BOOTH; Leopold BRANDL; William J. BRYAN; Emmett CAHILL; John CALDERAZZO; Archibald CAMPBELL; Mary Baine CAMPBELL; Thomas CARLYLE; Caleb G. CASH; F.R.S.G.S.; James H. CASSEDY; Susan E. CAYLEFF; David F. CHANNELL; Clive CHAPMAN; David A. CHAPPELL; Michael CHAUVIN; Leon CHEVREUIL; George CHEYNE; Barton CHILDS; T. H. CHISLETT; Charles CHURCHILL; Fleetwood CHURCHILL; Colin CLAIR; William CLARK; Adele E. CLARKE; Logan CLENDENING; Matthew COBB; E. E.COCKAYNE; Anne Z. COCKERHAM; Jeffrey Jerome COHEN; Francis J. COLE; F.R.S.; Edward C. COLIN; William Wilberforce J. COLVILLE; John R. COMMONS; J. H. [Frances Ann] CONANT; Celeste Michelle CONDIT; Edwin Grant CONKLIN; Lawrence I. CONRAD; David CONSTANTINE; Cecil M. COOK; Harold J. COOK; James COOK; Noble David COOK; Roger COOTER; Roger COOTER; Ross CORDY; Richard CORFIELD; David CORDINGLY; Ann Kondo CORUM; Andrew COWAN; Hamilton CRAVENS; Julie CRAWFORD; William Jackson CRAWFORD; William CROOKES, F.R.S.; Alfred W. CROSBY; James Gerald CROWTHER; William CULLEN; Andrew DOIG; Nicholas CULPEPER [Culpepper]; Geraldine Dorothy CUMMINS; GIBBES; E. Beatrice Andrew CUNNINGHAM; FRENCH; Roger. The Medical Enlightenment of the Eighteenth Century. Frank Homer CURTISS; Judge Ludvig DAHL; Kathleen GOLIGHER; Dancing: madness [print]Henrique Xavier BAETA; Robert DARNTON; Charles DARWIN; Charles DARWIN; Erasmus DARWIN Lorraine DASTON; Andrew Jackson DAVIS; Marietta DAVIS James L. SCOTT; Daniel DEFOE; Allen G. DEBUS; Barbara DECKER; Robert DECKER; Daniel DEFOE; Carl N. DEGLER; V. C. DESERTIS [pseud. for Stanley DE BRATH]; Adrian DESMOND; William Potts DEWEES; Thomas DICK; Sir Kenelm DIGBY; Jose van DIJK; John DILLENBERGER; DIODORUS SICULUS Aileen DOUGLAS; Elliot Rowland DOWNING; Julian Moses DRACHMAN; George DRAPER; John William DRAPER; Hans Adolf Eduard DRIESCH; Henry DRUMMOND; John DUFFY; Louis Ellies DU PIN; Michael A. FLANNERY; Jan GOLINSKI; Donald M. HASSLER; Arlene W. KEELING; Desmond KING-HELE; Ernst KRAUSE; David MACKAY; Ralph H. MAJOR; James Lowell MOORE; E. Charles NELSON; Katharine PARK; Hesketh PEARSON; Duncan M. PORTER; Roy. G. PORTER; Allen PUTNAM; Julia RAE; Simon SCHAFFER; Richard C. SIMMONS; James Hutchinson STIRLING; Rebecca STOTT; N. J. G. STOW.
220: ‛An Idiot’s Fugitive Tracts on Science’ BEING VARIOUS & SUNDRY BOOKS,  MOSTLY SCIENTIFIC 60 BOOK WRITTEN OR CONTRIBUTED BY (or about): Robert Merrihew ADAMS; Carola BAUMGARDT; George BIRTWISTLE; Tycho BRAHE; Percy Williams BRIDGMAN; Hermann Alexander BRUCK; Francois de CALLIERES; John CARY; Gale E. CHRISTIANSON; George V. COYNE; Roy CRAIG; Rene DESCARTES; Antonio R. DAMASIO; John Baptist DE FREVAL; John Louis Emil DREYER; Sir Arthur Stanley EDDINGTON; Desiderius ERASMUS; James EVANS; William Suddards FRANKLIN; GALILEO GALILEI; John GRIBBIN; Michael HAVEMANN; Edwin HUBBLE; Samuel HUMPHREYS (translator ); International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life; Louis Charles KARPINSKI MILLER; Johannes KEPLER; Gottfried Wilhelm LEIBNITZ; Malcolm Sim LONGAIR; Conrado LYCOSTHENE [alias Konrad WOLFFHART]; Barry MACNUTT; Sir Harrie Stewart Wilson MASSEY; Christian MOELLER; Nevill Francis MOTT; Otto E. NEUGEBAUER; Isaac NEWTON; NICOMACHUS OF GERASA; Niels NIELSEN; Nobel Prizes; James William NORTON-KYSHE; Charles P. Pollard OLIVIER; M. E. OMELYANOVSKY; Octav ONICESCU; Carl OPPENHEIMER; J. ORÓ; Syozo OSAWA; Max OSTERBERG; George Barry O'TOOLE; David PARK; Robert Hodson PARSONS; Pio PASCHINI; Cecilia PAYNE-GAPOSCHKIN; Karl PEARSON; Henry PEMBERTON; S. S. PENNER; Noel Antoine PLUCHE; Robert Wichard POHL; C. PONNAMPERUMA; Pontificiae Academiae Scientiarum Scripta Varia; Felix Archimede POUCHET; Otto RAHN; Richard RAPPORT; Roshdi RASHED; Alfred A. ROBB; Frank Egleston ROBBINS; Vasco RONCHI; Svein ROSSELAND; Henry Norris RUSSELL; Erwin SCHRODINGER; Ludwik SILBERSTEIN; William Marshall SMART; Ian Naismith SNEDDON; Filippo SOCCORSI; Lyman SPITZER, Jr.; Alexander Dees de STERIO; Walter SULLIVAN; Victor E. THOREN; Clifford Ambrose TRUESDELL; R. S. YOUNG.

SUBJECTS: Anecdotes, Antiquity (science during), Arabic Science, Archeology, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Atomic Theory, Bacteriology, Bees, Biochemistry, British Roads, Chemistry, Creationism, Electricity, Freethought, Genetics, Hydrodynamics, Jewish Theology, Law dictionary, Mathematics, Meteors, Neuroscience, Optics, Physics, Planetary Systems, Power Stations (industry), Relativity, Russian science, Scientific Biography, Spontaneous Generation, Stars, UFOs, Wave Mechanics
219: RECENT ACQUISITIONS RELATING TO MICROSCOPY & ASTRONOMY; THE LURE OF THE MICROSCOPE & OTHER SCIE AUTHORS [Authorship]: Alfred ALLEN, John ASPINWALL, Edward Collins BOUSFIELD, Benjamin BRAMAN, James Bryant CONANT, George E. DAVIS, Aubrey H. DREW, S. H. HIGGINS, Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, Antoni van LEEUWENHOEK, K. MICHEL, New York Microscopical Society, New York Microscopical Society, Jean Francois NICERON, Henry Alleyne NICHOLSON, The Northern Microscopist; (editor), C. W. OATLEY, Theodore E. OERTEL, Donald L. PADGITT, Louis PASTEUR, John PHIN, Postal Microscopical Society , Andrew PRITCHARD, Mary PROCTOR, Richard A. PROCTOR, John Thomas QUEKETT, Oscar W. RICHARDS, Maria ROOSEBOOM, Royal Microscopical Society, Science Heritage Collection, Garrett P. (Putnam) SERVISS, Sir Arthur Everett SHIPLEY, Society of Chemical Industry, Herbert SPENCER, Spencer Lens Company; , Edmund J. (Johnson) SPITTA, Alfred Cheatham STOKES, Rev. Lewis TOMLINSON, Gerard L'Estrange TURNER, John TYNDALL, Unitron Scientific, Inc, Newton Highlands, Mass, Hon. Mrs. Mary WARD, W. WATSON & Sons, Ltd, London, Wilfred Mark WEBB, William WHEWELL, Rev. John George WOOD, Lewis WRIGHT, Joseph Henry WYTHES, (Wythe, M.D.), J. L. ZABRISKIE, Carl ZEISS.

TOPICS: Astronomy, Bacteriology, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Infusoria, Medical microscopy, Microscopy, Optics, Spontaneous Generation
218: MEDICAL HISTORY OF PEDIATRICS; Mostly from the library of Frederick A. Frye, MD. Containing 52 books from the library of Frederick A. Frye, MD: Marguerite ABBOTT, American Orthopaedic Association; Chicago, ANDRÉ-THOMAS, Association for the Aid of Crippled Children, Inc., New York, William W. Belford (owner), Phillip BIEDERT, Kenneth D. BLACKFAN, Harry BLOCH, Lynett Root CABLK, James CALDER, George Washington Carver, Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles, William COCKBURN, Mme. Suzanne Saint-Anne DARGASSIES, William C. DEAMER, Wayne DENNIS, Alice DESCOEUDRES, James DOUGLAS, Hugh DOWNMAN, Marion P. DOWNS, The Drucker Foundation, The Dry Milk Company, Murray FEINGOLD, Heinrich FINKELSTEIN, R. FISCHL, Frederick A. FRYE (owner), Eugen GALEWSKY, Sydney S.GELLIS, Joseph GIBSON, Francis GLISSON, Marshall GOLDSMITH, Robert Edward GROSS, Walter HARRIS, Philippe HECQUET, Robert William HEGNER, Frances HESSELBEIN, Thomas HILLIER, HIPPOCRATES, Conrad Philipp HOFFMANN, Rackham HOLT, John INNES, Kenneth LYONS JONES, Margaret H. Jones (owner), John KENNEDY, Le Grand KERR, Monica KIEFER, Leopold LANG, Thomas LEVACHER DE LA FEUTRIE, Williams McKim MARRIOTT, William Stirling MAXWELL (owner), Victor Almon MCKUSICK, Lois Hayden MEEK, Jean Jacques MENURET DE CHAMBAUD, George Milligen, A. Graeme MITCHELL, Alexander Monro, Charles-Philippe de MONTHENAULT D’EGLY, Jerry L. NORTHERN, Arthur Hawley PARMELEE, Aegineta PAULUS [Paul of Aegina], Robert PEMELL, Herbert Gerhard Peterson, Jr., William PORTERFELD, Grover Francis POWERS, Claude QUILLET, Joseph RALPH, Richard Beverly RANEY, Hanns REICH, James W. SAYRE, & Robert F.SAYRE, Bela SCHICK, Roland B.; SCOTT, Alfred Rives SHANDS, Jr., Thomas SIMSON, Irene SJOGREN, David Weyhe SMITH, Samuel Thomas von SOEMMERRING, Iain SOMERVILLE, Sir Conrad SPRENGELL, John STEDMAN, George Frederic STILL, Helen TAUSSIG, B, James THACHER, Marcelino Herrera VEGAS, Alfred VOGEL, Martin G. VORHAUS, Joseph I. WARING, Gilbert WAUCH, Israel Judah WOLF, P. YAGLOU.

TOPICS include: Allergies, Aphorisms, Cardiology, Cerebral Palsy, Childbirth, Child Development, Childrens Hospital, Crippled Children, Dental, Dermatology, Drinking, Echoencephalography, Eugenics, Experimental Psychology, Farming, Hearing (for children), Heredity, Hopi Indians, Kidney Stones, Lungs, Male-female issues, Malformation, Management, Medical Biography, Medical Humor, Medical Poetry, Mental Retardation, Medical Zoology, Meteorology, Midwifery, Mineral Waters, Mothering, Nephritis, Neurology, Nutrition, Orthopedics, Otology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Rickets, Smallpox, Surgery, Syphilis, Worms.
217: Animisme et Spiritisme; Medical Oddities & Ghosts Containing 118 books from the library of Phillip K. Wilson, written (mostly 20th century, but with some surprises) by: David P.ABBOTT; Erwin H. ACKERKNECHT; Alexander ADAM; John Quincy ADAMS; Mark B. ADAMS; Romanzo ADAMS; Alexander AGASSIZ; Elizabeth Cabot AGASSIZ; Louis AGASSIZ; John KASPER, Harlan H. BALLARD; Lane COOPER; Alexandre AKSAKOF; Denise ALBANESE; Anthony M. ALIOTO; Julia ALLEN; Peter Lewis ALLEN; Lydia Winterhalter ALLISON; Stephen G. ALTER; ALY, Gotz; Peter CHROUST; Christian PROSS; Robert G. W. ANDERSON; Roy Allan ANDERSON; Jonathan ANDREWS; Christopher ANSTEY; Rima D. APPLE; Bryan APPLEYARD; Philippe ARIES, ARISTOTLE (pseud.); Richard ARMOUR; Elizabeth M. ARMSTRONG; Patrick ARMSTRONG; Eric Gruber von ARNI; Edwin ARNOLD; Robert A. ARONOWITZ; Cristina BACCHILEGA; Francis BACON; Karl Ernst von BAER; Thomas BAKER; Beth BAILEY; Wilson Gill BAILEY; A. T. BAIRD; Maurice BARBANELL; Lynn BARBER; Dennis BARDENS; Fordyce BARKER; Jean BARMAN; Sandra Lee BARNEY; James Smith BARR; Logie BARROW; Jacques BARZUN; Jean BASSETT; Ralph S. BATES; W. L. BAUM; Harold N.MOYER,; Francis K. BAXTER; Kurt BAYERTZ; Mary BEARD; Wilhelm BEER; Lucinda McCray BEIER; Peter BEIGHTON; Greta BEIGHTON; James BELCHER; Whitfield J. BELL, Jr.; Laurence J. BENDIT; Thomas BENDYSHE; Claude BERNARD; Theodore BESTERMAN; Thomas BEWICK; Vivian BIRD; Shirley Burgoyne BLACK; Simon Augustine BLACKMORE; Anthony BLACKWALL; Oliver BLAND; Johann Friedrich BLUMENBACH; Norman BLUNSDON; Franz BOAS; Herman BOERHAAVE; Robert BOGDAN; Sarah Knowles BOLTON; Frederick Bligh BOND; Jan BONDESON; Anne BORSAY; Paul-Gabriel BOUCE, Edwin F. BOWERS; Geoffrey C.BOWKER; Peter J.BOWLER; H. Dennis BRADLEY; Stanley de BRATH; Ann BRAUDE; Thomas BROWN; William Slater BROWN; E. J. BROWNE; Sir Thomas BROWNE; Vivienne BROWNING; Harry BRUINIUS; Allen BUCHANAN; Peter H. BUCK aka: Te Rengi HIROA; James Monroe BUCKLEY; Georges Louis Leclerc BUFFON; John C. BURNHAM; Sir Cyril BURT; Samuel BUTLER; George William BUTTERWORTH; William F. BYNUM; Emmett CAHILL; John CALDERAZZO; Luis de CAMOENS; Marjorie L. CAYGILL; Sir Kenelm DIGBY; David FARBER; Jeremiah S. FINCH; Pierre FLOURENS; Alice Bache GOULD; Augustus Addison GOULD; Frederic Lawrence HOLMES; Arthur G. MACGREGOR; John HUNTER; Karl Friedrich Heinrich MARX; Lt.-Col. Sir Thomas LIVINGSTON MITCHELL Thomas Livingstone MITCHELL; Charles L. MIX; Sir John MURRAY; Lucy Allen PATON; Roy PORTER; Joseph PRIESTLEY; Francois Boissier de SAUVAGES DE LACROIX; Andrew SCULL; Susan Leigh STAR; L. SYSON; Mikulas TEICH; Jenny E. UGLOW; Ashworth UNDERWOOD; Bruce McIntyre WATSON; Rudolf WAGNER; Leslie A. WHITE.
216: THE SCIENCES, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY & ANTIQUARIAN CLASSICAL LEARNING: RICHARD WEISS LIBRARY, N Containing 27 books written by: Sir David BREWSTER, Geoffrey N. CANTOR, Gale E. CHRISTIANSON, Betty Jo Teeter DOBBS, John HERIVEL, Margaret C. JACOB, J.E. McGUIRE, Frank Edward MANUEL, John NARRIEN, James NASMYTH, Simon NEWCOMB, Isaac NEWTON, John Pringle NICHOL, Henry Alleyne NICHOLSON, Abbe Jean-Antoine NOLLET, Henry Davenport NORTHROP, Henry PEMBERTON, and Henry John STEFFENS. Topics include: Astronomy, History of Science, Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Optics, Paleontology, Physics, Scientific Biography.
215: COMETS, ECLIPSES, TRANSITS, THE MOON, PLANETS & SOLAR SYSTEM 66 books on astronomy and related fields. Among the authors: George Biddell Airy; Mark Anderson; Jean Sylvain Bailly ; Sir Robert Stawell Ball; William Sheehan [Edward Emerson Barnard] ; Michael Chauvin; Deborah Jean Warner [Alvan Clark] ; Agnes Clerke; Maurice Daumas, Lester Del Rey [pseud. Leonard Knapp] ; William Derham ; Camille Flammarion; Sara Schechner Genuth ; Owen Gingerich [Copernicus] ; Stephen J. Edberg; David H. Levy ; Mrs. Isabel Sarah Black Gill; James A. Hall; Alan Cook [Edmond Halley]; Harold Hill; Arundell Blount [Jeremiah Horrox] ; Barbieri, Cesare & International Astronomical Union; Françoise Launay [Jules Janssen]; Calvin Nicolas Joyner; Henry C. King; Zdenek Kopal; Johann Nepomuk Krieger; Gary W. Kronk; Bruno Lefebvre; Frederick William Levander ; Percival Lowell; David Strauss [Lowell]; Peter L. Manly; Thomas Manning; The Abbé Théophile Moreux; Edward S. Morse; Piccolomini; Harold R. Povenmire; Mary Proctor; Richard A. Proctor; Georg Joachim Rheticus; Pierre De Sainte Marie Magdeleine ; Jakob Heinrich Schmick ; Prof. Dr. Hermann J. Klein ; Captain William Henry Smyth; John Stewart ; Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve; René Taton; Curtis Wilson; David H. Levy [Clyde Tombaugh]; [Transit Of Venus] Academy Of Sciences, Paris; Giovanni Battista Trotta; Étienne Léopold Trouvelot; United States Air Force; Dr. Gerard Pieter Kuiper; Harry Woolf; Donald Yeomans; Francisco Diaz Covarrubias ; Toronto Observatory, Canada; Edmund Weiss; Ewen A. Whitaker; Felix Auerbach [Carl Zeiss].
214: MICROSCOPY & OPTICS; THE LURE OF THE MICROSCOPE 55 books (& articles) listed by author: Harry A. CHARIPPER, Clifford DOBELL, CHERUBIN D'ORLEANS, Barnett COHEN, Brian BRACEGIRDLE, John Benjamin Dancer, Thomas Davies, George E. Davis, John Dee, Hans DETERMANN, Wilfred FERNANDO, Brian J. FORD, Peter FRENCH, Carl FRIEDLAENDER, Agnes GIBERNE, Edwin S. GOODRICH, Philip Henry GOSSE, John William GRIFFITH, Amedee GUILLEMIN, Rev. Charles A. HALL, Maya HAMBLY, W. Gilbert HARTLEY, Paul N. HASLUCK, Emil HATSCHEK, Arthur HENFREY, V. V. HICKMAN, Charles Howard HINTON, Jabez HOGG, Robert HOOKE, Rev. W. HOUGHTON, Louis JOBLOT, Benjamin King JOHNSON, Jean C. JOHNSON, Georg Simon KLUGEL, George Frederick KUNZ, Krishna Behari LAL, Edwin LANKESTER, Hubert A. LECHEVALIER, Martin Frobenius LEDERMULLER, Arthur Bolles LEE, Antony [Anton] VAN LEEUWENHOEK, Otto LEHMANN, LEITZ, Friedrich LEPUSCH, James B. McCORMICK, Louis Claude MARTIN, Martha Evans MARTIN, Stanley L. MILLER, Ormsby MacKnight MITCHELL, The Abbé Théophile MOREAU, J. A. MOY-THOMAS, Frank J. MUNOZ, George Herbert NEEDHAM, Robert M. NEILL, Edison PETTIT, Morris SOLOTOROVSKY, V. B. WIGGLESWORTH, W. N. F. WOODLAND.
213: RICHARD WEISS LIBRARY: M - part 2 [Science, Astronomy, Natural History, Physics, Mars, Geology, Topics include: Astronomy, Atomic Structure, Biography, Chemistry, Chronology, Electric Waves, Electromagnetism, Geology, Hydrodynamics, Inventions, Lexicography, Longitude, Mathematics, Meteorology, Mineralogy, Natural Philosophy, Optics, Physical Geography, Pharmacy, Physics, Relativity, Seismology etc. -- 23 books are listed, authored by: Academie Royale des Sciences (France), Paris; Andrea Corsini, Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza (Italy), John MARTYN, Aldo MASULLO [Guiseppe CANTILLO], Joannes MEURSIUS, Pierre MIQUEL, Ormsby McKnight MITCHEL, Antonio MIZAULDO, François-Napoléon-Marie MOIGNO, Jacob der Kreislauf MOLESCHOTT, MOLIERE, Gaspard MONGE, Henry MORE, Conwy Lloyd MORGAN, Arthur Jules MORIN, Margaretta Hare MORRIS, Paul MOUY, Joseph MOXON, Johann Heinrich Jacob MULLER, Marshall Evans MUNROE, Johan Anders MURRAY, James Sheridan MUSPRATT, Petrus van MUSSCHENBROEK, and Claude POUILLET.
212: RICHARD WEISS LIBRARY: M [Sciences] 30 books: Hector Munro Macdonald, Ernst Mach, Gideon Mantell, Henri Marais, Hippolyte Marie-Davy, Jean-Charles Galissard de Marignac, George Perkins Marsh, Benjamin Martin, Matthew Maury, Lucy-Ann McFadden, Lise Meitner, Andrew N. Meldrum, Charles Meray, Stanislas-Etienne Meunier, John Michell, George Abram Miller, Norman Miller, Robert Andrews Millikan, John Milne, Louis Melville Milne-Thomson. Subjects: Astronomy, Atomic Structure, Biography, Chemistry, Chronology, Electric Waves, Electromagnetism, Geology, Hydrodynamics, Inventions, Lexicography, Longitude, Mathematics, Meteorology, Mineralogy, Natural Philosophy, Optics, Physical Geography, Pharmacy, Physics, Relativity, Seismology etc.
211: The Microscope & Microscopy JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #211: 56 books (authors A-C): fully illustrated catalogue relating to the MICROSCOPE and MICROSCOPY. Authors include: Jacob Abbott, George Adams, Jr., Henri Philippe Adan, Roy Morris Allen, American Journal of Microscopy, American Monthly Microscopical Journal, American Optical Company, Henry Baker, Sir Robert Ball, Henry Charlton Bastian, Ernst Bäumler, Edward Bausch, BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO., Lionel Smith Beale, Conrad Beck, Richard Beck, Louis Bell, J. H. Hobart Bennett, Billings Microscope Collection, Brian Bracegridle, Savile Bradbury, Walter Burrells, William B. Carpenter, Thomas Chalmers, CHERUBIN D'ORLEANS, Angelo Ciniselli, Reginald S. Clay & Thomas H. Court, Arthur C. Cole, A. Frederick Collins, H. J. Conn, Mordecai Cubitt Cook, Julian D. Corrington, M. I. Cross, William Crossing, James Crowther, and more.
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