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Rheumatic Fever; Studies of the Epidemiology, Manifestations, Diagnosis, and Treatment of the Disease During the First Three Decades.
Practical Observations on Strangulated Hernia, and some of the diseases of the urinary organs.
Signed  First Edition 

Practical Observations on Strangulated Hernia, and some of the diseases of the urinary organs.

by PARRISH, Joseph (1779-1840).

Philadelphia: : Key & Biddle, 1836. , 1836 (click for more details)
Census of the state of New York, for 1865. Taken in pursuance of article third of the Constitution of the state, and of chapter sixty-four of the laws of 1855, and chapter thirty-four of the laws of 1865. Prepared from the original returns, under the direction of Hon. Francis C. Barlow, Secretary of State.
Traite des Grandes Operations Militaires, et Historique Critique des Campagnes de la Revolution.

Traite des Grandes Operations Militaires, et Historique Critique des Campagnes de la Revolution.

by JOMINI, General Baron Antoine Henri de (1779-1869).

Paris, : [ca.1811]. , 1811 (click for more details)
Analytische Dioptrik in zwey Theilen. Der erste enth lt die allgemeine Theorie der optischen Werkzeuge: der zweyte die besondere Theorie und vortheilhafteste Einrichtung aller Gattungen von Fernrohren, Spiegelteleskopen, und Mikroskopen.

Recent Catalogs

Catalogue 310: History of Science 97 books in a wide range of topics in the history of science, I am pleased to announce the start of a planned-lengthy offering from several collections on the history of science. In particular: Arabic Science, Architecture, Astronomy, Chemistry, Genetics, Engineering, Mathematics, Mineralogy, Philosophy, Physics, etc. All these are gathered from the collections of ROGER HAHN, NORMAN HAROLD HOROWITZ, DAVID CHARLES LINDBERG, ABRAHAM PAIS, DORIS T. ZALLEN, and others.

Recent Catalogs

309: Nature of the Chemical World Continuing from Catalogue 305 (41 books); this catalogue contains additional 88 books in the history of chemistry.